Anyway, here's Wonderwall.

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"You didn't tell me you could play an instrument!" Scott gasped.

Vincent laughed, "What do you think I had a piano for? Decoration?"

"I dunno, probably," Scott skipped over to the grand piano, swiping his fingers down the white marble keylid, before opening it to show the ivory keys. "How much did this cost?" he breathed.

"I got it for free, but it's very, very expensive," Vincent sat down at the velvet bench beside Scott. "It was my late mother's. It's over a hundred years old, been in my family for generations."

"Oh, that's amazing," Scott ran his fingers over the keys. "It must be so nice having a piece of your mother with you all the time. I can't believe I'm touching the same piano that my boyfriend's mother played on. It's the closest I'll ever get to meeting your parents."

Vincent chuckled, "You're funny, Scott. Can you play?"

"Yes, actually..." Scott looked down at the piano. With a determined look on his face, he set his fingers firmly on the keys... and began to play chopsticks. He looked up at Vincent, "Does this count?"

Vincent laughed, "That's not playing, Scott."

Scott pouted, lifting his fingers off the keyboard and folding his arms, "Fine then. You play something."

Vincent hummed, scooting over on the bench, pushing Scott out of the way. He placed his fingers on the cool ivory keys and, without a moment's hesitation, he was playing. It started off slow and calming, but soon burst into something energising.

Vincent began to sing, "I don't fall slow like I used to, I fall straight down. You've stolen my air catcher, that kept me safe and sound. My parachutes would guide me, safely to ground. But now the cord's not working, and I can see you staring me down," The tune changed once again, Scott found himself nodding his head slightly to the chorus, "I won't fall in love with falling, I will try to avoid those eyes..."

"It's called Air Catcher," Vincent said during the break between verses. "I'm not sure who by, but it was my mother's favourite, and the first song she taught me."

Scott nodded in silence, evidentially not wanting to disturb him.

However, Vincent lifted his fingers from the keyboard suddenly, cutting the melody off abruptly. "It goes for much longer, but I'm not in the mood to play it. I usually only play it when I'm thinking about my parents," The last time he played it, the ivory keys had run with red; sweet, metallic-smelling blood dripping down his arms. Five children had been killed that night, and yet all Vincent had done was play Air Catcher. Over and over and over again, like a mania. "Hop onto the top of the piano and I'll play you something else instead."

"On top?" Scott asked, looking at the marble case, "What if I break it?"

"You?" Vincent chuckled, poking his ribs, "You're as light as a feather! You couldn't break a cardboard box if you jumped up and down on it."

"Fine then," Scott huffed. "I hope it does break." He stood up on the bench and climbed carefully onto the top of the piano, making sure not to step on the keys.

Once he was settled, Vincent looked back down at the keys again. His violet hair fell over his shoulders. Scott had convinced him to start wearing it out. He had said that Vincent looked ten times as handsome with it out. Vincent had originally protested, but Scott had persuaded him with a long, sweet kiss.

"I want to talk to you," Vincent looked up at Scott as he played, white eyes meeting deep brown ones.

Scott raised an eyebrow as though to say, 'I see what you're doing', before replying in an exaggerated accent, "The last time we talked, Mr. Smith, you reduced me to tears. I promise you it won't happen again."

Vincent grinned, looking back down at the keys as his fingers flew across them. He relied on Scott to keep singing; Grace Kelly was far too high pitched for him to attempt properly. He joined in when he could though.

"Humphry," Scott said at last, "We're leaving."

Vincent laughed, taking his hands off the keys, "Perfect. I love your voice, Scott."

"I love you playing," Scott replied, lying down on his stomach on the top of the piano.

"I haven't played in ages," Vincent commented, thinking back. It was true. The piano had sat in the middle of the room gathering dust since the missing children incident. Before then, he used to play all the time.

"Well, I hope you play much more now, then," Scott said. "I love the piano. Too bad I never learnt it."

"Why not?" Vincent asked. "There's nothing stopping you."

"I learnt drumming instead," Scott grinned. "I was pretty good at it, too. Had all these plans to start a band. But then I accidentally hit one of the drums too hard and split it, and I never had enough money to repair it. It wasn't a proper kit or anything, it was just a little kids' drum set."

"That's cute," Vincent laughed. "I bet your Mom still has it and everything."

"Oh, I'm certain she does," Scott smiled. He edged over to the side of the piano and hopped down, sitting back next to Vincent.

"Come here," Vincent patted beside him, and once Scott had shuffled all the way over, he pulled him onto his lap.

"You want me to teach you the beginning of Grace Kelly?" Vincent asked, his smooth baritone voice from just behind Scott's ear making him melt on the inside. "It's pretty simple."

"Okay," Scott couldn't help but tense at first at the feeling of Vincent's firm chest pressing against his back. He tried to relax into his warm boyfriend, but Vincent chuckled slightly, the vibrations travelling through Scott's body, and reminded him to keep a good posture while playing.

"It goes like this..." Vincent placed his fingers on the keys, and Scott put his fingers on top of Vincent's, pressing down.

"Good," Vincent moved his fingers again. "You just keep your hands on mine, and I'll teach you like that, okay?"

"Sounds good," Scott tried to concentrate on remembering where the chords were so that he could - one day - play a duet with Vincent. That was his new plan.

He suddenly felt Vincent move behind him, a pair of warm lips left a kiss right at the base of his neck. Electricity shot up Scott's spine as his breath hitched, his face flooding with heat as his fingers jolted away from Vincent's.

"Why'd you stop playing?" Vincent mumbled against his pale skin, kissing again and again.

"B-Because..." Scott bit his lip for a moment, trying to compose himself from turning into a moaning mess as sparks continued to ebb through him. "You're d-distracting me."

"No," Vincent chuckled slightly, pressing his lips against Scott's neck as he muttered, "You're distracting me~ I can't think with you so close. I just want to kiss you over and over and over again..."

Scott sighed slightly, relaxing into Vincent and enjoying the soft, gentle feeling of pleasure before turning around in his lap so he was facing him. "Not all the way."

"I wasn't planning on it," Vincent replied.

Scott grinned, half-shutting his eyes flirtatiously. "Well then, you better start kissin'."

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