Happy Birthday, Scott (You Deserve That Much).

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((Sorry for everything I've ever done to you and what I will do to you in the very near future. Oops.

A reminder that the All Set Playlist is available on Spotify! I'm constantly updating it, (there are even some Spanish songs~) so if you haven't yet got it and you want to check it out, follow the Spotify user MadGirlWithABox and I'll send it to you via messages :P All the songs are in there for a reason so if you're curious, ask~

Just thought I'd put that in bc last time I put it on my feed & I've got a lot of new readers since then.))

Scott walked into the piano room, pulling along his Mom. Fritz and Jeremy were already there, talking to each other quietly on the couch. His Dad was standing by the piano, where Vincent was sitting at the bench, explaining the story of it. On the couch also were his friends Andy and Samantha, who'd had the good grace to come at such short notice.

Fritz, Jeremy, Robin, Andrew, Andy, Sam, Kayla, Blake, and Mike and Linda on the way... this had turned out to be a big party after all!

Vincent looked up as Scott walked in and winked quickly, before turning to the piano. His fingers flew across the keys, and Scott easily recognised the tune of 'Happy birthday'.  He laughed, almost embarrassed. "Oh, stop it."

Vincent stopped playing and leaned back to look at Scott, "Fine. Can I play you a song, though? A birthday song? Your favourite? Please?"

"I'll never say no to a little bit of MIKA," Scott shrugged, walking over to the couch beside Andy - who had waved him over - and sitting down. "Go ahead."

"Good," And Vincent was back at it again, playing a song that he'd said he'd devoted to his own mother at a young age, (he'd added that his mother would have loved Scott to death) but the song had quickly become Scott's favourite of all the songs he could play - and Vincent could play almost anything.

"So, how long have you been dating?" Andy whispered to him, as Vincent continued to play.

"He's a real dreamboat," Samantha added. "Where'd you find him and where can I get one?"

"About seven and a half months, and I'm sorry Sam, but he's the only one of his kind, and you can't have him. He's mine," Scott grinned. What? Vincent wasn't the only one who was allowed to get a little protective.

"Hmm, alright then," Sam pursed her lips, "But he doesn't happen to have a brother?"

And so the afternoon wasted away. Linda and Mike finally showed up at around 5.30pm or so, apologising and saying that their date had run over. Scott was a little hurt - well, until Linda pulled out a huge gift with a card from both her and Mike. Yeah, Scott's mood definitely lifted after that.

"Look at us! 27 year olds!" Linda squealed, jumping up and down with her hands on Scott's shoulders. "We should take a moment to appreciate that we both got this far. There's not every person who gets to 27. Remember that blue-eyed boy you had a crush on in Grade 9?" Her expression became sombre, she stopped jumping. And then she shook her head, "That doesn't matter anyway, c'mon Mike, we have to go scope out Vincent's house and find where he hides all his mags."

"Linda!" Scott hissed. "Vincent doesn't do stuff like that."

"Everyone does stuff like that, I bet even you do, when Vincent isn't home," Mike wiggled his eyebrows and walked off, Linda shrugging and following behind, leaving Scott gaping like a fish.

Vincent walked up beside Scott, "What were those two talking about?"

"Nothing," Scott said a little too quickly. He didn't want that discussion coming up for debate. He turned around to  wrap his arms around his boyfriend. "What are you up to?"

"Trying to convince myself to keep my hands off of you until tonight," Vincent purred into his ear, his words sending shivers of delight down Scott's spine. "Oh, and about to get dinner out of the oven." He added cheerily, pulling away from the hug.

"Great," Scott hummed, leaning up and kissing Vincent's lips. "Thank you so much for putting this together, it's turned out really great."

"No problem. Happy birthday, Scott. I love you so much," Vincent smiled, brushing Scott's fringe back with his hand before walking off towards the kitchen.

"Hey Scott!" Kayla bounced up to him just as Vincent walked off, and yet again, Scott's attention was stolen.

"Hey Kayla. Are you enjoying yourself?" Scott smiled happily, noting that her emo boyfriend was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh, yeah, 100%," Kayla's smile seemed almost practised, the familiar wrinkles around her eyes that usually accompanied a genuine grin were gone. "I met your sister! She's super cute, and really kind. Man, your whole family is like the A+ example of a good family."

Scott laughed, "If you say so... I wouldn't jump to conclusions with Linda yet, though. Just you wait until she doesn't get something her way. She may be almost 30, but she still throws tantrums."

Kayla giggled softly, "Well, who can blame her? I bet she's used to guys getting her what she wants whenever she wants it. I have to ask her how she does her eyeliner. It's on point."

"She uses cello tape..." Scott mumbled, half to himself. "She taugh- uh, no! I mean- told me how to do it back when we were teenagers. You know, you line two pieces of tape up so it makes a triangle over the corner of the eye, then just colour in the gap. It works really well. Uh- I mean, or so she says."

"Really?" Kayla oohed. "I'll have to try that out. Thanks, Scott!"

"I'm sure you could have just asked Blake..." Scott couldn't help but flash her a mischievous look. "He's evidentially a pro at eyeliner."

Kayla snorted with laughter, punching Scott's arm, "You're evil," she hissed between giggles.

Scott chuckled, but soon took on a more serious tone, "Seriously, though, Kay... Blake seems... well... a little..." he sighed, ending up deciding that he didn't want to be offensive. "Never mind it. I wish you both the best of luck."

"Thanks, Scott," Kayla started, and seemed like she was about to add more before she was interrupted by Vincent calling everyone to the dinner table.

(( I am so sorry this chapter is so bad.

Look dw, very soon, I promise, we can get on down to business. Stick around, it's going to be a wild ride! ))

Dead Set. || PURPLEPHONETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon