VPG is Hopeless: Exhibit A

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y'all who have known me from Fleeing The Past-era, do you remember that one chapter where I actually drew something okay and couldn't wait until the next written chapter to upload it? "Patience is a Virtue"?

yeah well history repeats itself I drew Kayla. 

It's in my art book but I just thought I'd put it here bc that way you can see it more easily.

It's in my art book but I just thought I'd put it here bc that way you can see it more easily

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I can't for the life of me draw Oliver. He refuses to be drawn. I don't think he likes the attention. bUT I'LL KeEp AtTEmPTing IT. 

Thank you and sorry for the interruption, I'll let you get back to Scott having a (second) breakdown now. 

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