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(( Oh BOY it's finally happening.))

Scott sat in his Office, clicking a pen uselessly open and shut. "I know what you're thinking."

Vincent regarded him carefully from across the table, "No, you don't."

"You think I'm crazy," Scott accused, glaring. "You think grief has driven me insane, and I'm hallucinating, and that's why I attacked Foxy for no reason."

"I don't think you're crazy," Vincent replied coolly.

"Then what do you think? Huh?" Scott snarled. "You think I'm lying? You think I'm... I'm..."

"I think," Vincent said, "That you can't do this alone."

Scott scoffed, "Thanks, Vincent, but I don't need your help. I'm perfectly capable of managing a business-"

"That's not what I meant," Vincent interrupted. "You know that's not what I meant."

Scott fell silent. And then he huffed, "Look, Vincent, I know you're worried about me, but I'm coping, okay?" He smiled wryly, "if I wasn't able to deal with this stress, then I'd let you know."

Vincent looked Scott dead in the eyes, "So you mean to tell me that you're fine? You're not over-stressed? You're not battling any kind of... Self-loathing?"

Scott rolled his eyes, "No, Vincent, I'm not battling any 'self-loathing'."

"You promise?" Vincent asked, "Because if there's anything I can do to support-"

"You know what would be really supportive?" Scott snapped, his patience wearing thin, "if you could leave me alone to figure out what I'm going to do about animatronic replacements."

Vincent was silent for a bit, "Why don't... You hire suits? Just like the old days. You and I know how to work them, we could-"

"Wait a minute," Scott spluttered, "Are you suggesting we bring in springlock suits? Are you nuts?! We were incredibly lucky we didn't get killed by those things! Especially after-"

Scott suddenly stopped talking, his mouth dropping open.

"What?" Vincent asked, "What is it?"

"Oh, Vincent..." Scott gasped, "Oh, you're a genius!"

"I am?" Vincent asked, "... How so, exactly?"

"I know where we're going to get our animatronics from!" Scott laughed, standing up and slamming his hands down on the desk, "It's perfect! Let's leave right away!"

"Leave to where?!" Vincent asked, but his pleas were unheard by Scott, who grabbed his coat from the back of the chair he was sitting in and put it on, walking over to the end of the office and opening the door.

"Well?" He asked, "We've got no time to lose!"

Slightly dumbfounded, Vincent eased past Scott out into the Dining Hall, where Mike and Jeremy were working on stripping the tables. If he wasn't concerned for Scott's mental state before, he was just border lining on it now.

"Mike!" Scott called out, as he stepped out of the office, closing the door behind him, "Vincent and I are going out! You're in charge while we're gone. Make sure this restaurant looks like the cleanest place on earth, and get Kayla to write a list of all the things the kitchen staff need."

"What!?" Mike's jaw dropped, rubber gloves on his hands, a spray bottle in one and a cloth in the other, "Are you serious?! You can't just leave us here to clean while you go... Suck Vincent off in the car park or something! That's employee abuse!"

"Mike, if you value your pay check, I think you'll find that that's exactly what I can do," Scott said. "As for sucking Vincent off in the carpark, I wasn't thinking it, but now that you've mentioned it I'll see what I can do. We'll be back in an hour."

And like that, he walked off out towards the front doors of the building.

Vincent stared after him, his eyes wide, "Wait, what?!" He called out finally, starting to jog to catch up with him, "What do you mean you're gonna see what you can do? Scott? Scott!?"

He finally caught up to him at Vincent's car, where Scott was leaning against the car door. "Keys, please," he said.

Vincent pulled his keys out of his back pocket, handing them over to Scott, "So wait, are you serious about what you said in there? Because if so, I'm so down for that."

Scott laughed, walking around to the other side of the car. "I was just being sarcastic, Vincent."

Vincent sulked, but opened his car door, sliding into the passenger seat, "Fine, no carpark blowjobs, then. But wherever we're going better be pretty interesting."

Scott's eyebrows raised as he turned the key in the ignition, "Haven't you figured it out yet? We're going to the one Freddy Fazbear's franchise that was never closed, mostly because it never opened." He smiled. "We're going to the Sister Location."

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