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((Another person's POV for once! Woot. Also I'm leaving for camp in like an hour you have nO idea the lengths I went to to get this chapter done. I really need to sort out my priorities. OH WELL ENJOY

and pls stop asking if it's going to get dark ik it should have happened sooner I didn't expect the birthday to take up so many chapters (it's like 5 chapters) but it's getting there, it's getting there, trust me. ))

"Scott, what are you going on about?" Kayla followed Scott up the stairs, not quite sure where he was leading her.

"I just wanted to talk to you, that's all," Scott shrugged, not looking back at the girl as he stepped onto the landing. He looked up and down the hallway, mumbled something under his breath, and turned left.

Kayla frowned, skipping up the stairs to catch up with him, "Where are you taking me?"

"Vincent and my bedroom," Scott replied casually, "It's a good place to talk without being overheard." He stopped in front of a door and tried to open it, only to find it locked. He groaned.

"Scott, I appreciate what you're trying to do... I think. But I don't think we need to talk," Kayla fiddled with her fingers as Scott jiggled the door handle, and it suddenly made a loud clicking sound.

"For the first time, I'm happy our bedroom door has a broken lock," Scott smiled, swinging the door open and gesturing for Kayla to step inside.

Kayla glanced at Scott once, almost concerned for his mental state, before she walked carefully past him. The room was quite sweet. Almost everything was purple, almost. It was obvious that Scott had changed some things since he moved in. The cupboard was overstuffed with clothes that were spilling out onto the floor, and the sheets on the bed were pulled back and crumpled. It was a typical boy's room... She always thought Scott would be a tidy person... apparently not. Just above the bed, there was a photo of Vincent and Scott in the snow. Underneath it was a patch of wall that looked as though it had recently been repainted - it now had the words "Love Finds a Way" in pink paint. It looked like Scott's handwriting.

"Huh..." Kayla turned back to Scott after she'd finished taking it all in, "You're really serious about him, aren't you? This looks like... a married couple's bedroom."

"Really?" Scott sounded excited by that prospect. "I wish it could be..." He sighed, almost dreamily. "It sucks just being his boyfriend for the rest of my life. I mean... I know that you don't have to be married to prove that you love someone, but... I wish I could marry him. It would just feel... more permanent." He caught himself, looking sideways at Kayla, "But this isn't supposed to be about me. It's supposed to be about you."

Kayla shrugged slightly, leaning over and picking up a crumpled t-shirt. She folded it neatly, putting it on top of the overflowing cupboard. "I don't see the point. I've got nothing to talk about- Whose is this?" She leaned down, picking up a blue knee-length dress. "What...? Is this Linda's?" She turned around to face Scott.

Scott's eyes were wide, he spluttered awkwardly, "Uh-I... Well, th-the thing is..."

Kayla tilted her head, and then it hit her like a freight train. "Oh! OH!" She flushed, "Oh, I'm so sorry-" That was so awkward! Just go ahead and embarrass him like that, Kayla, nice one!  She walked over the wardrobe next to the cupboard and opened the door to put the dress away.

"Wait-!" Scott squeaked, but it was too late.

Kayla's eyes widened, her eyes scanning over the sequin-covered, skimpy red dress and- was that lingerie? She opened and shut her mouth a few times, face bursting into flames. She glanced back at Scott, to find him with one hand clamped over his mouth and nose, the other half outstretched towards Kayla. His looked like he was about to faint from all the blood rushing to his head, he was that red.

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