Mr. Benedict.

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"So," Vincent's voice came muted through the vent, "What was Eggs like?" 

"Seriously?" Scott asked, unable to keep from sounding incredulous, "You're asking that now, in an enclosed vent with only a thin sheet of metal guarding us from animatronics that wanna scoop our eyes out?" 

"I dunno," Vincent tried to shrug, but doing so while on your hands and knees was very inconvenient. "We're making enough noise just by crawling through. They already know we're here. I'm just passing the time."

Scott squinted ahead. Black. No sign of the vent ending any time soon. His chest was tight and his breathing coming fast, "How are you not terrified right now? I'm pretty sure this is how I felt before I had my last breakdown and I really don't wanna go through it again." 

"Don't feel fear. Never have. But I can tell when others can. Tell me about Eggs, take your mind off it," Vincent said.

"He was..." Scott's voice was shaking. He took a long breath and tried to ignore their surroundings. "He was great. Really. He was kind, and witty, and could do wonders with machines. He was so much smarter than everyone took him for, and so observant, especially when it came to things like-"

Vincent cleared his throat. 

"Oh," Scott laughed, just a little, before his throat closed over again. "Right. Sorry. I guess he was like a mix between Jeremy and Fritz. He had Fritz's insane mechanical knowledge and nerdiness, but he also had Jeremy's gentleness and compassion. Addicted to some stupid reality show about a woman who was in love with a vampire." Scott laughed again, much more easily now. "All you had to do was say, "Claaara, ze baby izen't mine!" and he'd get so angry. 'Stupid Dracula, such a bad, bad person! Poor Clara having to raise that baby all on her own - it's wretched, it is - no, Scott, stop laughing, I'm serious!'"

"He sounds like heaps of fun," Vincent sounded half genuine, and half jealous. "Tell me a story about him, then." 

"Hmm," Scott thought for a moment - though it took barely a second to think of a story. "I guess... the one that stands out the most... It's... really embarrassing, okay? It makes me cringe all the time. It was actually the last time I ever saw him..." 

"Eggs," Scott wheezed out. He stopped in front of him, his breath coming fast as he leaned over, resting his hands on his knees, "Eggs, you didn't tell me you were leaving! You-You were fired? It-I-I- Don't worry, Eggs, I'll get you re-hired!"

Eggs had spun around to look at him when he'd very first gasped his name, he had one brow cocked and a hand on his hip, "Since when have we been on first-name basis, Mr. Adams?" 

Scott's eyes shot open, he straightened up, "Oh- Oh my gosh. S-Sorry, Mr. Benedict! I didn't mean to sound so disresp-"

But Eggs was laughing now, with a huge grin stretched across his face, "Oh, come off it, Scott, honestly. 'Mr. Benedict'?" He laughed again. "You know it's not even my real name, right?" 

Scott felt himself blush, huffing with embarrassment, "Yeah- Well. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on you again for taking advantage of my naturally caring and gullible personality." 

Eggs' brows hiked, another chuckle left him, "I hope you know I'm definitely stealing that line to use later." 

Scott found himself chuckling too, before he really knew it. He guessed that was the effect of a guy who called himself Eggs Benedict just because he thought it was hilarious. He smiled, "Seriously, though. You're leaving? Just like that?"

"Yeah, well," Eggs shrugged, "Guess I was snooping around a bit too much. Got too good at what I do. Found out some stuff I shouldn't, I suppose. I mean... I know you all think I'm crazy, but... I know what I heard, Scott, and I know what I saw. You be very careful hanging around Freddy Fazbear's, that's for sure."

"But..." And Scott's smile had long since disappeared, he swallowed, "That means that this is the last time we'll ever see each other, right?" 

Something flickered across Eggs' face; something that could only be described as realisation. He sighed, "Well... For now, yeah, Scott. This is the last time we'll see each other."

Scott nodded, "Well, then... I... I was wondering," He cleared his throat. "C-Can I... Um, can I have... your number?" He pulled out his phone - still an old flip-phone, and held it out. "Please?" 

Eggs looked down at the phone and then back up at Scott, his green eyes wracked with concern and his lip bitten between his teeth, "I'm... sorry, Scott. I can't. What would your parents think, huh? You're only nineteen. You're still a kid. To be hanging around some twenty-three year old guy... It's just not that simple." 

"B-But," Scott's eyes widened, "My parents won't mind!"

Eggs looked at a complete loss. He shrugged helplessly, "I'm sorry, Scott. I really am. I'm sure we'll meet again some day. I just..."

"You-You just... You don't... You don't even wanna talk anymore? You... You don't want to get involved with me? Is that it? A-Am I... Am I annoying to you? But... You're my best friend..." For some reason, Scott was taking this a lot harder than he, a heterosexual 19 year old male, should. "You're... you're really saying goodbye?" 

"Oh, Scott..." Eggs sighed, his blonde eyebrows furrowing, "I knew this would have to happen eventually." He took a step forward, cupping Scott's outstretched hand with his own. "Listen to me. You are a wonderful, kind, charming, handsome young boy. You really are. And you're my best friend, too. You always listen to me, and you always believed me. I'm just afraid it isn't going to work." 

Scott blinked at him, confused. Confused at Eggs' words and their meaning. More confused about his own heart fluttering in his chest. Even more confused at the sudden sense of heartbreak, "... I don't know what you mean." 

Eggs just smiled, reached forwards and ruffled his hair, "Sorry, Scott. Maybe I'll see you around." He waved just slightly and turned away, walking off towards his car.

Scott stared wistfully at him as he walked away. There he went. His own best friend. And what's more: what did all /that/ mean? Oh, he knew what it meant, alright. Was he just going to sit there and let Eggs believe... Surged by something he didn't quite understand, he called out, "Eggs!"

Eggs paused, and turned to look at him.

"I-" Scott's throat closed over for a second, and then he cleared his throat, "I'm not gay." 

Eggs' eyes widened, for once looking at a loss of words. "Pardon?" 

"I mean- I- I don't have a crush on you, okay?" Scott clenched his fists a bit. "I'm not gay. I've- Well, I haven't got a girlfriend but... I'm going to get one soon. I'm straight."

Eggs' expression softened, as if understanding what was going on. "Well," he said with a small smile, "That makes one of us." 

And then he turned around again, and walked off across the car park. 

"He made me feel like the most homophobic, senseless, unworthy, heteronormative prick that ever walked the earth," Scott complained. "I have never forgotten that moment, ever. He made me feel this big," he held up his fingers in a tiny pinch, and that was when he realised he was standing up. "Oh. How'd we get here?"

"Told you it'd take your mind off it," Vincent just smiled. "Now, we're here in the Circus Gallery, and we're safe. So far. So are you gonna tell me the plan for the rest of the night?"


"Hey guys!" All of a sudden, Handy chirped in through the monitor, "I've been listening in, and it's occurred to me that you're not Eggs Benedict. Now, here at Circus Baby's Pizza World, we don't take lightly to burglars. As such, I will now be shutting down all power in the building. This means security doors, vent locks, and possibly even oxygen. Have a nice night."

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