Pretty Much Just Vincent Being Jealous.

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((before the butthurt comments come flooding in after this let me just give you some words of wisdom: "sHHHfGY YOU CANT tELl ME wHat To DO I'm tHE AUthOR"

yo except for my wife and toastybuttslice cause they helped me when I was deciding what to do.


Scott pulled up a chair at the end of the table, looking down it. Linda was sitting at the other end - they'd decided it was suiting for the two birthday twins to be sitting opposite each other. He gave her a little wave, which she returned.

"What do you think, hon?" Vincent asked, naturally sitting to the left of his boyfriend. "Twenty seven years old. Another year gone by."

"It's great. Like Linda said, I'm lucky to be here," Scott smiled, "Plus, now I'm one year closer to your age. I'm catching up on you~"

"True. We're only a year apart now. Well, that is, until October," Vincent pointed out. "We'll be two years apart again in October."

"Shh, let me have my moment," Scott teased. "You don't have to take everything literally, Vin."

"I was just-" Vincent was cut off by the doorbell ringing. Scott and he both turned towards the front door, which was down the hallway to the right of them.

"That's weird..." Scott mumbled. "I don't think I invited anyone else..."

"Maybe it's Boss...?" Vincent suggested. "I mean... he knows when your birthday is, right? So... maybe he dropped by to say hi?"

"No..." Scott stood up, "He told me he was working late tonight..." He shrugged and walked over to the front door, grabbing the keys that hung on the wall beside it and unlocking it quickly.

There was a flash of skinny jeans and toned skin, and before Scott knew it, he was swept off of his feet, being spun around in the air.

He let out a helpless giggle, trying to push away from the Mexican, "Ollie! I thought you couldn't make it!"

"Que? And miss out on your birthday? Please, Scott, who do you take me for?" Oliver put him down, looking at him with a feral grin. He leaned in to whisper, "How's your boyfriend? As fiercely protective as ever?" His emerald eyes slid over to the table, where Vincent had stood up out of his seat and was glaring down the Mexican.

 Oliver sighed melodramatically, taking a huge step away from Scott and reaching out, patting his head. "There," he called to Vincent, "Is that platonic enough for you, senor?"

Scott laughed, "Don't worry about it, Ol. He's just a little protective. Come on, I gotta introduce you to everyone else..." He virtually skipped forwards, the latino following behind.

"Guys, I'd like you to meet my absolute best friend, Oliver," Scott gestured back to the man. "And Oliver, this is Kayla, her boyfriend Blake, my friends Sam and Andy, my Mum and my Dad... and you already know Linda, and you might remember Mike." Scott grinned.

"Of course. I can't forget a face as pretty as that," Oliver grinned over at Linda, who giggled.

"Ohh, now I remember. The player from the gay club," Mike looked over at Vincent. "I see why you don't like him."

Oliver's face flickered with a little bit of hurt, fast enough that nobody else seemed to notice. He laughed, putting a hand to his heart, "Geez, it's hard for a guy to get a little appreciation around here."

"That's alright Oliver, everyone's just jealous," Scott poked his tongue out playfully, then guided him over to a chair down the middle of the table, diagonally from Vincent.

"That's okay, I would be too. Oh, before I forget!" Ollie fished into the pocket of his skinny jeans and pulled out a strip of woven fabric. "Mi amigos were in Mexico for the day to..." He stopped himself, glanced around the table and cleared his throat, deciding not to reveal that his friends had been on one of their many trips to smuggle people across the border, "...Uh, to visit their families... and I asked them to get you something traditional. I was thinking, like, a sombrero or something... They came back with a bookmark." He shrugged and held out the patterned cloth. "Sorry."

"Oh my gosh," Scott took it carefully from Oliver's hands like it was made of glass. "You really got me something from Mexico? Ollie, that's so sweet!"

"It is?" Oliver looked genuinely surprised. He grinned sheepishly, "W-Well, it was really no problem. I would have gotten you something nicer if I was there, but..." He winced slightly. "I... I'm not all that keen on going back to Tamaulipas..."

"Of course not. I wouldn't want you going to all that trouble just for me..." Scott grinned, hugging the bookmark close to him. "I'm going to have to get back in the habit of reading every night."

"I'm glad you like it," Ollie grinned, sitting down in the empty chair at the table. "Well, what are we doing? Waiting for the food to get cold? Geez Scott, distracting me like that."

Scott chuckled, walking back to his own seat and sitting down.

"I thought he wasn't going to show up..." Vincent whispered.

"Oh, come off it," Scott shot Vincent an amused look. "If it helps, last time we met he told me it would be too awkward if we dated, because I'm 4 years older."

"You- He's 23?" Vincent looked over at the man, who was chatting loudly as he passed Andy a plate of vegetables. "Huh. He seems... older."

Scott shrugged, turning back to the main table as someone passed him a plate of sliced meat. "It doesn't matter anyway. I'm glad he's here, and it's my birthday, so you have to put up with whatever I say you have to put up with."

Vincent chuckled, "Okay, I guess you're right."

And so dinner went on, and Scott had to say, he quickly became very grateful for the Mexican's company. Without him, he had a feeling the dinner would have quickly become dry and awkward, but it seemed Oliver had some 6th sense, knowing exactly who was starting to get bored and somehow looping them back into the conversation.

Finally, Scott leaned back in his chair, entirely content. "Oh man, I am going to need to sleep off this food coma..."

"Oh, I'm sure you'll burn it off, later..." Vincent bit his lip, looking his boyfriend up and down.

"Not so loud!" Scott half hissed, half giggled. "You're the worst, Vince."

"Maybe so, but at least I bought you a cake," Vincent grinned, "Who's ready for dessert?" He stood up out of his chair, "I'll be right back."

Walking into the kitchen, he opened the fridge and hummed, pulling out the cake he'd bought. It was a huge strawberry cheesecake: Scott's absolute favourite.  Scott usually refused to eat it (too many calories, too much sugar, all that jazz) but whenever it mysteriously "appeared" in the fridge (courtesy of Vincent), it would disappear by the next morning.

He pulled it out and grabbed a cake-knife, before walking back out to the table. He placed the boxed cake in front of Scott and placed the knife next to him, "Alright, you do the honours, you're the birthday boy."

"What about Linda?" Scott asked as Vincent sat back down in his chair.

"Never mind me, I had cake before we came," Linda smiled good-naturedly. "Your party. Go for it!"

"Alright," Scott reached towards the box, but stopped as he was cut off.

"Hey, Scott," Andy called out. "Just remember, don't touch the bottom, or you'll have to kiss the nearest boy!"

Oliver and Vincent snapped instantly to attention, staring wide-eyed at each other across the table.

And so it began.

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