Not Exactly The Night They'd Wanted...

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(( CAN WE ALL JUST TAKE A SECOND TO APPRECIATE THIS OMG Thank you stolen-air-catcher for the beautiful Mexican bean we see here. ~I can't believe someone drew Ollie aaa~ ))

 ~I can't believe someone drew Ollie aaa~ ))

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((warning, slur.))

"If you think I'm just going to let you... you faggots kidnap my girlfriend and... and... do whatever disgusting things you want to do to her, you've got another thing coming!" Blake snarled.

"Oh, yes," Vincent sounded distinctly unimpressed. "A poor young woman in a house filled with gay men? I'd be worried for her too. All the indecent things we could do, oh, the list is endless... We might even make friendship bracelets. The mere thought of it makes my blood boil. Now goodbye." He slammed the door shut.

"You can't all hide in there!" Blake's voice was muffled through the solid wood door, "I'll find a way back in, and I'll kill you for this!"

Vincent sighed. He leaned down, pushing open the mail flap in the door, "Blake, I'd like to see that weedy, sickly little emo body of yours try and take down all four of the grown men in this house, and then successfully take down Linda, Scott's mother, and somehow drag Kayla out the door. Honestly, I'd love to see it happen. I'd pay to see it happen. But unfortunately, your chances are looking about as grim as your future."

Blake fell silent on the other side of the door. Then he growled, and kicked it once, "I'll get back at you somehow, you disgusting queers. I'll snap your little fag necks." Then there was the sound of footsteps retreating.

Vincent straightened up, dusting his hands off, "Well. Isn't he a charmer."

"Thank you, Vincent. Thank you so much..." Kayla ran from Scott's side and barrelled herself into Vincent, hugging him. "I never thought I'd ever be able to get away from him."

Vincent glanced over at Scott, almost panicked. His eyes were wide, and Scott quickly got the message. What do I do?!

Scott rolled his eyes, and made a hugging motion with his arms, raising his eyebrows. Hopeless, as usual.

Vincent nodded, and pulled Kayla into a hug, "Kayla, you're like a sister to Scott and I. We'd never let someone push you around like that. We love you far too much."

Kayla smiled, pulling away from the hug, "That means a lot to me, guys. Thank you."

Oliver, who was standing next to Scott, cleared his throat, "Actually... if you don't mind... I think I'd like to have a talk to you, Kayla. I-I mean, I know... you don't know me as well as you know Vincent and Scott, but... Well... I think I can help."

Scott cocked his head, turning to look at Oliver, "Really?" He said in a hushed tone, "You'd be willing to do that?"

"Of course," Oliver whispered back, "I have a lot of experience with being blackmailed, Scott. I often wished I had someone I could talk to, back in Mexico. Even if I never had that... this is my chance to be that person for someone else." He nudged Scott, "Anyway, that'll give you and Vincent some time together, which I know you've been wanting."

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