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"Wake up, sleepy."

Scott became aware of a deep, suave voice in his ear, and he slowly began to come to the realisation that he was no longer asleep, but merely staring at the back of his eyelids. The bed was warm and he could tell that it was light outside. Scott resisted the urge to pout. He wanted to go back to dreaming... blackness seeped in to the corners of his mind, and he welcomed it.

He was woken up again by Vincent's strong hand on his shoulder, shaking him gently. "Wake up, Scott! Do you have any idea what day it is?"

Scott groaned, screwing his eyes shut and batting playfully in the general direction of Vincent's deep voice. "Stoooop, leave me alooone. I'm trying to sleeeep."

"You're always trying to sleep," Vincent whined. There was the sound of sheets rustling, then Vincent's lips pressing against Scott's, causing them to quirk up into a reluctant smile. "It's ten o'clock already, Scott. Surely you have to be thinking about getting up by now."

"Make me breakfast," Scott instructed, "And then I'll think about it."

Vincent chuckled. Although his eyes were firmly closed, Scott could almost see him shaking his head as he clambered out of the sheets. Vincent was a morning person. Up at sunrise. He could never understand why Scott was such a lazy sleep-deprived boyfriend. Scott could never understand how Vincent could possibly survive with such little sleep.

Scott rolled over in the bed, pulling the sheets up over his head. Now that it was mid-summer, both Scott and Vincent had opted to wearing just their boxers to bed, an initiative started by Scott because - honestly - who wouldn't want to curl up to a hot semi-naked guy every night?

Scott smiled to himself as he hugged his pillow close, shuffling over to Vincent's side of the bed, which was still warm, and getting comfortable. Yet again, he felt his consciousness drifting away...

"Scott... Are you planning on getting up at all today?" Vincent sounded impatient now.

"No!" Scott huffed, pulling his pillow close. He'd been having a really good dream, about their first date... and a goat. Something like that. He couldn't quite remember.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to celebrate your twenty-seventh birthday while sleeping."

"What?!" Scott shot up in bed instantly, his sleepy eyes snapping open, "It's--? today's--?" He paused, looking around, and finally settling on Vincent, "You let me sleep in on my birthday!?"

"I woke you up three times," Vincent held out a tray, on which an elaborate breakfast was laid out. "I had to cook breakfast twice because the first time you wouldn't wake up, and I had to eat it."

Scott blinked, then reached out to take the tray from Vincent. "Come here," he patted the bed beside him. "We can chat while I eat, seeing as we've wasted so much time."

"We've? I think it was you wasting all the time, you sloth," Vincent raised an eyebrow, but sat down next to his boyfriend, anyway. "So tell me. What's our plan for the rest of the day?"

"Hmm..." Scott shoved some scrambled eggs into his mouth and thought over it. "I want to see everyone. Mike, Jeremy, Fritz, Oliver, my family, Kayla and the other cooks. I want to see absolutely everyone. But I also want to wear a dress and hang out with you, which means no going out unless we invite everyone back here... And tonight?" Scott chuckled, taking another mouthful of his delicious breakfast and glancing over at Vincent. "Tonight, I'm yours~"

"Tsk," Vincent shook his head. "Look at you. Not even out of bed yet and you're already thinking of excuses to get back in it."

"Well, would you rather I didn't? I could just as easily go clubbing tonight, instead..." Scott suggested, shrugging a shoulder nonchalantly.

Vincent grinned, swooping in to steal a kiss just before Scott put another forkful of breakfast into his mouth, "Oh no, hon. Like you said, tonight, you're mine~" He growled the last word possessively.

"That's what I thought," Scott purred, returning a kiss quickly before continuing to eat his breakfast. "Sho," he mumbled through a full mouthful. "D'ya think y'can get everyone to come over this evening for dinner or something?"

"It's pretty short notice," Vincent reminded him. "But I tell you what. You start sending texts to people, asking if they can come over, and I'll see what I can do about dinner. Alright?"

"Alrighty then. Thanks Vinny~" Scott smiled at him. "I love you."

"I know you do," Vincent smiled back, "And I love you too. More than anything. Happy birthday, handsome."

"Thanks," Scott hummed happily as Vincent hopped off of the bed and picked up a casual shirt, pulling it over his head.

"I'll be back soon. Better get dressed so we can start planning the day, okay?"

"You got it," Scott watched him go, and grinned to himself, scraping up the last of his scrambled eggs. He had a feeling this was going to be the best birthday of his entire life.

((sorry, I've literally been writing since 2am and now it's 5am so if this is a bit weird / shorter than usual it's because I'm so tired I can barely look at the screen properly I just wanted to get an update out for you because I felt bad about leaving it too long. Anyway, night. Time to make like a Scoot and sleep.

omg I almost fell asleep without publishing!))

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