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(( Here it is, the end of the book! Almost exactly one year after the series began. How sweet~ I'll make a closing chapter after this with a short "what happened next" bonus so please read it <3

also to the line that is in no way intended to be sexual but most likely y'all are gonna comment on with lenny faces anyway let me just say i almost took it out? but i was like oh screw it its the end of the book let them have their line its entertaining ))


Vincent had gone first. Raising his arms up and swinging them down, he crashed into the metal of the vent. The resounding crash was physically painful, causing Scott to cover his ears with his hands. 

"Ahh- God damnit," he hissed, spinning away from the vent and clutching his arms to his chest, "Fffff--- hhh, ahh, that hurts! Is it even dented?" 

Scott glanced back at the control room before answering, searching for movement in the gloomy green light. After holding his breath for a few seconds he looked back. Back at the two large dents carved into the metal. The metal which hadn't broken at all. He didn't say anything, just stared at what was the visible embodiment of their deaths, like a prophecy on an ancient stone wall. 

"Well..." Vincent was visibly upset, no matter how much he would have denied it, holding his hands out, "Well, come on. We're not going to give up after one attempt, right? We'll take turns bashing at it. You go." 

Scott chuckled mirthlessly, "Yeah. Like I could do any better than you could..." he walked over to the vent, his fingers dancing over the grooves, "You think the others will even notice we're gone? Will they think we've just eloped somewhere? They'd never think to check here. There are probably other bodies down here, you know. Teenagers that have dared each other to go down here... police, security guards... technicians that have come back to check on the building they used to work in eight years ago..." he trailed off. 

"Hey," Vincent put a hand on his shoulder, "Come on, don't give up yet. If Eggs came back he'd escape, you know that. I know that just from what you've told me about him. And I also know that if he saw you down here just accepting your fate he'd probably slap you around the face and tell you to grow up. Come on. Here, I'll go again then. We have to be quick before Ballora comes to investigate." 

Vincent lifted up his arms again and threw them down, smashing into the vent once again. It made a shuddering lurch, the whole vent vibrating and wobbling. Scott gasped as one of the joins lower down the vent, about halfway to the control room, weakened, showing a split in the metal. Once there was a rip, Funtime Foxy could claw her way through. And if he got out, there was no chance of survival. 

"Oh God, faster,"  Scott pushed past Vincent and swung his leg back, smashing a kick into the side of the vent. It felt like kicking putty - it moulded to the shape of his shoe and stuck that way, a deep groove in the metal, "Screw it. Come on, Vincent, we're going to die anyway, just tear at it." 

"Now you're talking," Vincent muttered, before crashing into the vent once again. This time he hit right in the centre, just where the vent hit the wall, and with a groan the top of the vent pulled away from the wall. 

Scott whooped, "Alright, come on, just a little more!" With surprising enthusiasm, he suddenly leapt up, jumping on top of the vent. It creaked, the bolts tearing half out of the wall. "We're going to make it!" Scott laughed, jumping again and watching the vent pull further away, "We're going to-"

"Motion trigger activated: main entrance vent." 

Scott stilled on top of the vent, his breath catching in his throat as loud clanks echoed through the room. "Vincent," he whispered, "Please tell me that's you." 

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