Chapter 12: Monday

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Chapter 12

We were a damn mess today. Over the weekend somebody hacked into our system and took a whole lot more money. Damn near $50,000! If they kept this up Xavier would have to file for bankruptcy and we'd all be out of a job. That is, if he doesn't fire everybody first. He's been on a rampage since he got the call yesterday afternoon.

We were lounging around my house just hanging out. Oddly there was no sex. Some heavy petting, but no sex. He was angry as all hell - punching walls and throwing things - he even yelled at me twice today. If we didn't have this situation going on I would've been pissed... or turned on.

Finally me and the rest of the staff had had enough of his anger issues.

"Xavier." I said. I was trying to get his attention, but he was still stampeding through the cubicles yelling at people to find some shit or he'd do it himself. "Xavier!" I yelled louder. He finally heard me and turned to me.

"What?!" He barked.

"I need to see you in your office."

"I don't have time for this shit right now, Tammy! We need to - "

"I wasn't asking you what we had time for. I wasn't asking anything."

"Tammy - "

"Office, Xavier. Now."

I could see his anger rising in his eyes. I would pay for this later, but I'd rather it be me and not the other employees.

He turned swiftly away and walked towards his office. I walked behind him and told everybody to keep working. They all looked at me like I just signed my death warrant. Ha! They should be scared for themselves if they didn't find out who was stealing from this company.

Xavier slammed the door open and it bounced back, shutting in my face. I calmly opened it back up and closed it behind me.

"What the fuck, Tammy! We've got shit to do. I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS RI - "

He stopped talking when I grabbed his dick, giving it a good squeeze.

"Feel that baby? That's my hand on your dick. Nothing else should matter in these next few minutes but me and you. You wanna know why?"

"I don't fucking care just keep doing that."

"I'm gonna tell you anyway. Because you need to relax. Those people are working hard out there. You screaming at them isn't gonna magically make everything better. Understand?"

"You gonna keep playing with my dick?"

"Only if you say yes." I started unzipping his pants. I reached in and started stroking his hard shaft.

"Fuck yes!"

"Fuck yes what?"

"I understand. Now stop playing and suck me."

"I need to see it to believe it, baby." I pulled my hand out and walked backwards. "You show me you can be civil and not act like a raging ape, then I will suck you off so good your knees will quiver."

"Are you fucking serious! Come on Tammy. How am I supposed to be civil when I'm frustrated?"

"If you can do it when you're frustrated then you can do it period."

"Tammy..." he growled.

"I'll see you outside." I walked out. I was so gonna get it after the day was over and I couldn't wait.

Everybody looked at me with different expressions on their face. I just winked at them and smiled. They all let out a breath they were holding, a few even laughed. Once Xavier walked out all mirth was wiped from their face and they went back to frantically typing.

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