Chapter 14: Thursday

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3k reads! Im hella pumped. Its not 3 thousand actual people but its good enough. Im so thankful to anyone who actually cares what i have to say. Y'all the real MVPs.

Above is a pic of Xena. It took a while for me to pick someone who looked close enough to Tyler and still was someone I found gorgeous.

I've started on Book 2 of the Restricted trilogy. So once this book is done (whenever tf that is) then I'll be publishing that. Hopefully by then it'll be damn near finished. But here's the next chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter 14

Xavier had turned on the TV for me and we sat there watching reruns of Castle. Someone knocked on the door while opening it. Didn't the lord say "Knock and the door shall be open unto you"? not "Knock on the door then go in cause at least you gave them a warning."

Nikki poked her head in and looked at me.

"Hey sweetie, you're awake." She said smiling, then she turned to Xavier and glared at him. "Thanks for telling me jackass."

"I wanted to spend time with her before you came and hogged all her attention." He said.

"I'm her best friend. Not you. I need her attention more. You're just a step in shorty. Keeping her happy when I'm not around."

Awe. They were fighting over me. So sweet.

"Oh please. You couldn't fill my shoes if you tried." He countered.

"You probably stuff them with your ego, white boy."

White boy...

"Like you stuff your bra with your attitude?"

"You so damn childish. What do you see in him anyway, Tammy?" She looked at me.

White boy..

"Tammy are you okay?"

White boy...

"Y-yea. I'm good. And he's got a big dick."

"You scared me for a second there and EW! I so did not need to know that."

"You asked nigga."

"So you're only with me cause I got good dick?" He asked me.


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