Chapter 5: Wednesday Pt. 2

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Chapter 5

It had been three hours since we started the interviews and not one person seemed smart enough to be able to steal thirty thousand dollars right from under Mr. King's nose.

"Next is Wesley Windom. He is the assistant to your CFO, James Adams." I announced.

A nerdy looking man walked in. His outfit was complete with glasses, a tucked in shirt, and pens in his shirt pocket. He wasn't ugly though, far from it. He had sandy blonde hair with green eyes. He wasn't muscular, but he was fit.

He walked in and sat in the seat in front of us.

"Good morning, Mr. Windom." I started.

"Uh, hello? What's goin' on here?"

"Nothing. Just a progress report seeing how things are goin' and what more you can do."

We came up with this cover up when the first person we interviewed, Alexa Wolf, asked why we were doing this. It caught us off guard and we quickly had to come up with an excuse. Thank God for my quick save. These men were useless.

"Oh ok." he still looked like he didn't understand, but went along with it anyway.

"Ok, first question." Mr. Tanner said. "Do you like working here?"

"Yea, sure...I guess."

"Is there something you don't like?"

"I, uh, d-don't think so?" This poor boy is so nervous.

He's either hiding something or is really nervous.

"How good are your computer skills?" Mr. King asked bluntly.

"They're okay." his leg was bouncing up and down. He was acting very suspicious. Mr. King could sense it too.

"Are you a good hacker?" he asked.

"Uhh...." Wesley looked everywhere but at us.

"Have you ever hacked before?"


"Are you sure?"

They stared at each other. Mr. King's eyes burned into Wesley's, Palin's him sweat. This was getting way too intense, but it was kinda funny.

For five more seconds they stared. Five more seconds where Mr. King interrogated with his eyes. Five more seconds, then Wesley snapped.

"Okay! Okay, I did it." he admitted.

Mr. King looked very satisfied with himself. As he should be. He got him to crack with his intensity. I was actually very impressed. And turned on.

"You did?" Mr. Tanner asked.

"Yes. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I just wanted to know."

"Huh?" Mr. King asked.

"I didn't mean to spy. I'm sorry."

"Wait. Spying? You were spying?" I asked this time.

"Uh...yeah." He said sheepishly.

"On who?"

"M-Mr. King?"

"What the fuck? Why me? How?" he asked.

"I hacked into the camera in Mr. King's office. I saw everything that happened between him and Lassandra. And anyone else he's had. I just wanted to see Lassandra naked, y'know? She's so hot and I tried to get her to go out with me, but she said if I get rid of the glasses and pocket protectors she might say maybe." he answered Mr. King's questions and unasked ones.

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