Chapter 4: Wednesday

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Chapter 4

I woke up this morning sweaty and horny.

Last night I had a dream where me and Richard were on a "date" and then it switched to me and Mr. King. We weren't even on a date. We weren't even clothed!

We were naked and kissing. Actually we were doing more than kissing. He was driving deep into me and the echoes of our moans bounced off the walls of my dream.

It felt so good. It felt so real. If that was what it actually felt like to be with him, or worse, better, I didn't know what I was going to do.

I was just about to climax when my alarm woke me up.

Now I was going up to the twentieth floor to go to my new office.

This fuckin' floor was live! It was hella people at there computers in cubicles. Phones were ringin', copy machines were buzzing - this is what it was supposed to be like. Mr. King's floor was empty and barren. It made me kinda sad.

People were working hard or playing hard. I love this floor!

I spotted Mr. King talking to an older man in the corner. The man looked like typical sleeze-ball. He had a comb over with horn-rimmed glasses. His suit was too tight over his potbelly. Even though he looked like a creep, he had this air of power around him. He run shit and he knew it.

I walked over towards them. When they spotted me the man leered at me and it took everything in me not to wince or grimmace. Mr. King looked at me with an expressionless face, but his eyes said everything.


"Good morning." I said to them and they respnded the same.

"Tammy, I would like you to meet my head of Human Resources, John Tanner. John, this is my new PA, Tammy Jones."

"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Jones." He stretched his hand out for me to shake. I took his hand and my stomach churned.

Lord, please don't let me upchuck on this man in front of Mr. King. Amen!

I unknowingly stepped closer to Mr. King when we detatched.

"Later, you and John are gonna go over some things while I'm in a meeting. He will show you to your new office also." Mr. King said to me, then left me alone with the creep.

"Well, Tammy, if you will follow me this way." He said. I didn't correct him about my name, but next time he's gonna get it. 

He walked me down a hallway and showed me our offices.

"He is Mr. King's office, then yours is next, and then......mine!" he said that last part like it was a privilege.

Dafuq?!  This guy is off his porno charged rocker.

"So I'm between you two?"

"That's right, Tammy."

"Ms. Jones." I corrected.

"Pardon me?" he looked confused. Idiot.

"Call me Ms. Jones. Only my friends call me Tammy."

"So, Xavier is your friend? He calls you Tammy."

"He's my boss. He can call me whatever he wants."

"I have to become your friend to call you Tammy?" he said smirking. The little prick thought he had a chance. Ha!

"Sure. I guess." Whatever.

"I guess I'll work on that."

"If you say so."

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