Chapter 2: Monday

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Chapter 2

I was on time today. I walked onto the twenty-fourth floor at exactly 8:00.

The receptionist glared at me though she had a smile on her face.

What crawled in her ass and died?

"Welcome back. Just go to Mr. King's office. He's waiting for you."

I walked back and knocked on his office door.

"Come in!" He said through the door. His voice was as deep and gravelly as before. It did something to me that I never wanted to feel again. I never thought I would.

That's the real reason I didn't want a husband or kids. I didn't think anyone was gonna love me enough.

I entered his office and waited for him to acknowledge me.

"Hello Ms. Jones." He said without looking up.

"Mr. King." I responded.

He got up out of his chair and walked around his desk. "I'm gonna show you around this floor tomorrow - at least the important parts - then I'm gonna give you all the information you need. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good then. Follow me."

He lead me out of his office towards the one right next to his. My name was on the door in bold black letters just like his. It didn't have my job position on it though, just my name.

He opened the door and stepped into the room.

It was huge. Bigger than my bedroom. There was an all black desk with a seemingly new computer on it. I think Windows.

Anyway, the floor was covered in a burgundy rug. I just wanted to feel it against my feet. Maybe when he leaves I'll take my shoes off.

Behind the desk was a giant window. I could see everything from up here. Cars driving past to the train station four blocks away.

"I see you like the view." Mr. King said from behind me. I didn't even know he followed me.

"Yes I do, sir. This is a great office." I turned to him. We stood there staring at each other for an awkward amount of time. He cleared his throat then walked away.

"I'm glad you like it. That door right there leads straight to my office." He pointed to the door to the right of me. "So we don't have to travel through the hall way just to reach each other."

He walked to the door and opened it. "I have some papers I want you to look over. Lunch is in three hours. You have thirty minutes for that. I want you to bring me some coffee. One sugar, two creams." With that he shut the door and left me to myself in my new office.

I sat there looking around for a while. I was so excited to be here. I just hope I don't fuck anything up.

I left to go and find the break room. I asked the woman at the reception desk, finally looking at her nameplate.

Lassandra. I don't know how she got that name. It was so... black.

"Where's the break room?" I asked her.

"Go down that hallway, there are double doors on your right and that's it. Make sure that it's the one on the right. I don't want you to get lost." she said extra sweetly.

"I'm sure I'll find my way. Thanks Lassie." I responded just as sweet. She glared holes in my back as I walked away.

I followed her directions to the break room. Lo and behold there it was. I went to the coffee machine and turned it on.

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