Archery Lessons

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I'm still going omg there was a plethora of badly written fanfiction in that folder so you guys are getting all of it I'm sorry. 

Archery lesson oneshot time!

"Shit," you grunted to yourself as the arrow you had just released flew straight past your target and impaled itself into the nearest tree. You reloaded the bow, and took your aim again.

"You know, I doubt my father would be happy if he knew that you were vandalizing his forest," came a smug voice from behind you, and you whirled around, bow still in hand, to see Legolas walking into the clearing with a smarmy grin on his face. "Or, of course, you can pretend that you were aiming for the tree all along..."

"I'm trying to practice here Legolas, can you shut up for a second," you exclaimed, turning back to your target, bow at the ready.

"You won't even know I'm here," responded the low voice from behind you.

"Good," You muttered, lining up your sight with the large target on the ground about 100 feet away from you. Your breath slowed and you fully focused, concentrating on the little red circle in the target's centre. You breathed out and let go of the string, feeling it twang back in your face.

"Damn it." You sighed, rubbing your aching cheek as you heard a deep thud and looked over to see your arrow protruding from the muddy ground, at least thirty feet from the offending target.

A low chuckle came from behind you, and you spun around again, anger written on your face, to see Legolas, perched on a fallen log, trying desperately to hide his laughter.

"I... I'm sorry, my love," he sighed, wiping one light blue eye,"But, your... your face... I just..." he burst into laughter at your indignant expression.

"You're not helping!" You exclaimed, annoyed.

"Ok then," said Legolas, standing up and walking towards you, "How about I help?"

Your heart skipped a beat as the tall elf walked up to you until his black leather boots were flush with your muddy brown ones. He looked down at you, his bright blue eyes connecting with yours.

And, like the totally calm, collected woman that you were, you flushed bright red and stammered, "I... yeah... right... thanks..."


Legolas grinned at you, stroking one of your blushing cheeks with the back of his hand, "I will never tire of making you blush, my dearest."

He then stood behind you, thankfully rendering him unable to see the stammering blob that you had become.

"Lesson one. Preparing the bow," he whispered into your ear, his warm breath tickling the hairs on your neck. You had the sudden feeling that archery practice was going to get a whole lot more interesting.

He carefully grabbed your hands in his own, and tightened them around the bow, making sure that you had a firm grin before reaching back into his quiver and drawing out a single arrow. He threaded the bow with the arrow, and manoeuvred your hands into the right position.

"You must always make sure the bow is correctly prepared before beginning lesson two, posture."

He suddenly got much closer, the heat from his chest warming your back like the sun.

"You must make sure to place your feet in the right position. Balance is everything." He said, gently moving your left foot forwards with a soft shove from his.

"And stance, my dear, as I'm sure you're aware, is key" he whispered, causing the hairs on the back of your neck to rise and sending shivers down your spine. His warm hands came to rest on your hips, giving you goosebumps, as he very carefully moved your torso to the side. His grasp left your body, leaving your skin cold, but your heart burning white hot.

"Now, lesson three. Aiming your arrow."

His head now rested on the nape of your neck, and his warm body surrounded you, leaving you in a very comfortable state of security and comfort.

"Look down the sight of the arrow, my love, what do you see?" He murmured, and you did as he said.

"The target," you replied, slightly breathily.

"You see, that's where you're going wrong," he said, "you have to aim slightly above your target, that's why you've been falling short."

He moved your bow slightly higher, never getting further away from you for you to lose the warmth from his torso.

"Perfect," he muttered, almost too quiet for you to hear, and you let go of the string, watching the arrow sail straight across the plain and thud gently into the centre of the target.

"Yes!" You screamed, jumping up and startling Legolas, who took a step back from you, smiling.

"I did it!" You exclaimed, punching the air with your fist.

"Yes you did,"smiled Legolas, "And if you ever need any more archery lessons, you know where to find me." And with that he walked off into the trees, his back turned, so you couldn't see the massive grin on his face.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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