Chapter 1 • Los Angeles

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Zoe POV:

"Crush a bit, little bit, roll it up,
take a hit

Feelin' lit, feelin' light, 2 AM summer night.

I don't care, hand on the wheel...."

As the speakers inside my G Class Mercedes blasted Kid Cudi's song, I rolled down my drivers side window taking in the morning air. A small smile appeared on my face as I stared ahead onto the highway that was leading me to my new home.

But the thought of home caused mix feelings to erupt inside me.

I was happy that I was leaving my old life behind and starting a new life somewhere far away from everything and everyone that I once loved, but sadness also crept inside me as well.

I left without telling anyone and maybe that's what makes me feel somewhat gloomy or maybe it's cause I don't know how I'm going to do this without some people that I still love. But I had to leave...

A beeping noise over sounded the music, causing me to slightly jump up from my deep burgundy leather seat.

"Crap." I yelled, noticing that my fuel tank was low.

My russet colored eyes wandered towards the signs posted by the side of the highway, hoping I would see a gas station.

"Come on." I groaned seeing nothing that points out there is one near by. I continued driving until a bright orange and purple sign attached to a pole caught my eye.

"Bingo." I smiled, before taking the next exit and pulling into the large empty gas station.

I slowly turned off the engine, causing anxiety to bubble up inside me.

I hated new surroundings.

I exhale slowly, before grabbing some cash from my wallet and opening my car door. My eyes wandered around the place as my red converse came into contact with the concrete. I took in a sharp cold breeze, before heading into the station's store.

A small bell rang above my head as I opened the convenience store door, getting the person who was behind the counter their attention.

"Morning miss, how can I help you today?" The wrinkle man with honey skin just like mine asked.

"Morning, may I get $50.00 on number two." I said, while handing him the cash.

"Sure thing." He smiled while taking the money from my wounded hand.

"Thanks, you have a nice day." I smiled, causing him to mumble out "you too", before I walked out the door.

I laid my back against the side door as my car was fueling up. I watched as the cars and semi trucks on the highway were driving up the famous Grapevine. I lifted up my right hand that was covered with bruises and a few open wounds, hovering it over my mouth as I yawned. I have been driving for the pass 5 hours now and I still have less than two hours to go, before I'm at my new home.

A clicking sounded erupted my thoughts, causing me to slightly jump. I looked over and notice that my car was done fueling. I quickly took out the hose and tighten the cap, before climbing back into my car. I turned the key, while rubbing one of my eyes with the side of my slightly purplish left hand.

"Come on, you've got to stay awake Zoe." I groaned at the thought of driving for another two hours.

I stared at the highway for couple of minutes just watching the cars go by, before putting my car on drive and heading towards the morning traffic.


Dawn had just broken the horizon as I drove my car into the underground parking garage of where my new home was. My eyes wander around the garage looking for an empty parking space. After turning a couple of corners, I spotted one in the way back by the elevator doors. I quickly pulled into the spot and turned off my car's engine. While opening my car door, I grabbed my wallet and my iPhone 6, before letting my feet come into contact with the concrete again. I slam the door shut, locking my car as I headed towards the elevator.

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