Chapter 14 • Baby Shower

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Zoe POV:

"Why do we have to throw her one?! We don't even like her." I groaned at Gabbie's idea of having Liza, her and I throw Alex's fiancé a baby shower before their wedding.

"Because maybe we can catch her lying about something, that will help get your boyfriend out of this whole situation." Gabbie responded, while she sat down on my leather couch.

"Ya, but she will know something is up, because we fucking hate her and would never do this for her." I said, while I started nervously pacing back and forth in front of the blank T.V. screen.

"Zoe, maybe Gabbie is up to something." Liza said, while she walked over to me and stopped my rapid pacing by placing her small hands on my meaty shoulders. "Like Gabbie said, what if she slips up and exposes something that will help Alex get out of this marriage deal." She pointed out, causing a sigh to leave my lips.

I slowly shook my head as I got out of her grip,"Okay, what do you need me to do."


"I can't believe we just paid $5,000 to throw someone we despise a baby shower." I whispered harshly at Gabbie, who was standing by the fruit bar.

"Zoe, it's not that much. At least her mother paid the other $20,000." Gabbie pointed out, before popping a purple grape into her mouth.

"Ya, but still. I look and feel like an idiot for doing this." I groaned as I watched strangers walk into the building with giant gifts in their hands.

"Zoe, you just have to play along and act like this doesn't bother you at all. We can't let Katie know something is up." Gabbie stated as Liza walked over to us.

"Hey, Katie is going to be here any minute." Liza said, while she stood next to Gabbie.

"Great." I mumbled, before grabbing a glass of champagne from one of the waiter's trey and chugging it.

"I thought you don't drink." Gabbie pointed out, while her and Liza eyed me.

I shrugged my shoulders,"I don't." I responded, before walking over to a empty table and sitting down at it.

"Guys, she's here." An old lady announced, causing a groaning sound to leave my lips.

"Oh God, please give me strength." I whispered to myself.

"Zoe stand up." Gabbie hissed into my ear, causing me to swat my hand at her.

"No." I responded, while crossing my arms across my perky chest.

"Fine then." She said and the next thing I know Im being tipped out of my chair and onto the floor.

I groaned as I pulled myself up from the wooden floor,"What the fuck?!" I hissed at Gabbie.

"Like I said, stand up." She smiled, before turning her attention back to the double doors.

"Stand up." I mocked her voice, causing her to roll her eyes at my child like behavior. But who can blame me, anyone would act like this when they have to be in the same room celebrating their boyfriend's fiancé pregnancy.

My eyes slowly wander over to the glass door and watched a familiar, yet larger blond girl walk in,"Surprise!!!" Everyone yelled, except for me.

"She really is pregnant." I breathed as I watched her walk around the room, hugging random strangers.

Liza slowly rested her hand on my back,"It's going to be okay." She whispered.

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