Chapter 19 • Unpleasant Feelings

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Zoe POV:

My eye lids slowly flutter as a bright light blinded my weak orbs, "Good, you're awake." A strange man breathed as he flickered off his tiny flashlight.

"What?" I asked confused as my blurry vision wander around the empty room.

I slowly tried to sit up,"Owe." I cried out as I wrapped my arm around my ribcage.

The bald man dressed in all white gently placed his hands on me,"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He said, causing me to slowly lean back into the uncomfortable bed.

"How long have I been out?" I asked as my lifeless orbs meet his brunt ones.

"A couple of hours." He responded, before gently placing his clipboard on the table, "I want you to listen clearly to me." He stated as he slowly walked back over to me.

"Okay." I breathed as a heavy feeling settled on my chest.

A sigh left his thin lips," You fractured two left ribs, but that wasn't the worst part." He took a deep breath before he spoke again,"Your ankle was completely broken in half and we had to perform a emergency surgery on it."

I quickly interrupted him,"Can I still walk?" I asked as my watery orbs wander over to my elevated leg that was wrapped with a pearl white graze from the knee down.

A deep sigh left his lips causing my watery orbs to wander over to him,"Yes, but it will take sometime for your left ankle to ever work properly again. You're going to have to be patience."

A sigh left my dry lips as my orbs wander around the empty room again,"We can talk more about this later, because some people have been waiting to see you for a long time now." He said as he slowly stood up and walked out the door leaving me by myself.

The door suddenly burst open revealing everyone I love, except for the one I love the most, "Zo?!" They all yelled my nickname as they rushed to my side.

"Why are guys here?" I asked as my wet orbs examined their worried faces.

"Why wouldn't we be?" Zane asked with a confused look written on his untrimmed face.

I slowly shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know." I breathed as my orbs fell onto my lap.

"Zo, what did the doctor say?" David chimed in, causing my orbs to wander over to him.

"Nothing." I lied, causing a groaning sound to leave someone's lips.

"Why are you acting like this all of the sudden?!" Zane's voice boomed with angry, causing everyone's orbs to fall onto him.

I rolled my eyes at him,"Acting like what?" I asked, but I knew what he meant.

I have been distance with them for awhile now and always giving them short responses instead of having a regular conversation with them these days. I haven't been like myself with them ever since I watched their vlogs. And it isn't their fault because of it, just mine.

He gripped the back of his messy dark hair with his large hands,"Oh my gosh?! Everyone clearly sees that you have changed since the beach house vacation. You are suddenly distance with everyone..."

"Zane, stop." Heath interrupted him and laid his hand on Zane's meaty shoulder.

Zane shook his head and took a step towards me," Just stop acting like this. Stop running off or avoiding our questions when we want to make sure you're okay. We're your friends Zo...but it's seems like you don't want to be ours." His voice cracked as he finished his little rant.

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