Chapter 9 • Disneyland Trip pt. 2

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Zoe POV:

"No, fucking way!?"

We quickly pulled apart and looked slightly over our shoulders, seeing that the elevator doors were wide open revealing our group of friends. Everyone's jaws were hanging low in shook, while David held up his vlog camera with a smirk on his face.

Panic started to rush throughout my body as I saw that everyone's eyes were on me. My eyes wander back towards Alex's, seeing that he had the same facial expression like mine.

"Why did you do that?" I whispered, as my hands started to shake.

He noticed right away something wasn't right, "Zoe, what's wrong?" He asked, while grabbing my hands trying to calm me down.

"Hey, get her out of there. She having a panic attack." Zane somewhat whispered, while coming over to my side.

"Zoe, just listen to my voice." Alex slowly said, but the sound of my heart pounding against my chest was drowning his voice out. It felt like a pair of hands were around my throat, not allowing me to receive any oxygen.

My trembling body was swiped up by a pair of strong arms and carried bridal style. I kept my eyes shut, trying to focus on my breathing. I felt the night breeze attack my skin, before I was lowered onto the cold, hard ground.

"Hey, look at me." That familiar husky voice calmly said, while grabbing the hand I wasn't using to support my body weight.

My eyes slowly flutter open, as my heart kept pounding against my chest. Alex's eyes were filled with panic, yet he kept himself together for my sake.

"Okay, I want you to count with me, okay?" He stated, while holding up his free hand.  "One, two." He whispered

My eyes were fixated on his fingers and ever time he added another finger, I slowly counted with him, "Three." I breathed.




"Five." I repeated ever number he said, causing my heart rate to slow down, but not to its normal pace. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, because I didn't have every emotion inside me colliding with each other anymore. But instead, I felt numb.

"Hey, look at me." My glossy orbs meet Alex's concerned ones. "How do you feel?" He asked, while he tightened his grip around my hand.

"Numb." I answered blankly, while my eyes were fixated on his.

"I'm sorry." He sighed, before pulling me into a tight hug. I just laid my head on his shoulder as I was wrapped in his warm embrace.

"Alex?" A high pitch voice called out, causing a groan to leave Alex's lips.

He slowly pulled away from me and stood up dusting himself, before reaching his hand out for me take. I slowly cupped my hand with his and he slowly pulled me up. He gave me an apologetic look, before turning his attention to his girlfriend,"Yes?" He asked annoyed.

"Why were you hugging her?" She asked, while giving me a death glare.

I rolled my eyes at her, before noticing that all our friends where standing in the lobby watching us intently.

"It's none of your business." Alex stated, causing Katie to walk right up to his face with angry in her eyes.

"Yes, it is. I'm your girlfriend." She reminded him, while she kept poking at his chest, trying to tick him off.

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