Chapter 2

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AN: I do apologise if I'm overly descriptive of what characters wear, it's just to make it easier to imagine what the characters look like throughout the story :0)

Four days later. Friday.

Awoken by a wet and frankly unwanted sensation on the palm of my hand, I opened my eyes and lifted my head to see that Merlin was licking my hand, 'better than a heart attack inducing alarm I guess' I thought to myself, captain cutie is defnitely awake.

Looking over I bashed the light button on my my clock to see that it was 6AM and all I could think about was going back to sleep, a groan of 'Why me?!' settling at the back of my mind. 

I like being up early, I just don't like getting up early. I'm sure that makes sense to at least one person.

Rolling over with a feeling of self pity I had a glance at my schedule, realising I have a lot more on today than I thought; collaborator meetings for my web design project at 8AM, a presentation of my research paper draft at 9:30AM, website production with the project team from 11AM onwards and I’m on the set of ‘Enders Game’ from 3PM into the evening in Greenwich, London.

Do you ever have days where you feel so lazy the thought of doing anything makes you want to cry?

Today is one of those days. 

Begrudgingly I dragged myself out of bed, Merlin following me and we head to my bathroom to get ready for the day. Standing in the mirror I take a moment whilst brushing my teeth to see my eyes are really puffy ‘I need more sleep, but Tumblr, work, and The Mindy Project' I think to myself, sleep deprivation shouldn’t be a hobby but I’m a borderline insomniac at the best of times.

How very Vogue right? 

Seeing as we're here, this is sort of what I look like. I’m about 5’8 and a bit in height and apparently I look a little like a fairer Rashida Jones but my hair’s a dark chocolate colour and pretty wavy. I’m half Irish, one quarter Grenadian, one eighth French and one eighth Welsh in case you were wondering, but I'm just a mixed-race Londoner really- easiest way to describe myself. 

Merlin sat by my right leg resting his head on me as I gently rubbed his head, given the choice I'd just play with him all day but life has a way of getting in front of playtime.

Playtime should be life really, one day perhaps. When I take over, a girl can dream of world domination you know. 

He’s my best pet friend and I can never wait to get home and see him after a long day, he’s about 18 months old and so cute it’s very hard to say no to him when he wants his own way at the best of times.

I had a shower, got dressed and we headed downstairs for breakfast.

My house isn’t really mine I find, it’s Merlin’s and I just happen to live here as his maid. He's very spoiled but I can't help myself. All the pets we had growing up were spoiled, so I blame my parents for my inability to not spoil cute little creatures in my life. 

I moved in about 18 months ago but I’ve only lived in it for a year because I’ve been away and it’s filled with mainly light and green leafy wall patterns, and boxes I’m yet to, if ever unpack in the living room. It’s great because I’m only a brief walk down the road from Bridget's house when I go right and well Ben’s place when I turn left out the front door.

He comes around quite a lot when he’s in London, usually with something funny or fascinating to tell me and to see Merlin, he says he'd like a dog but he's so busy it probably wouldn't work so Merlin is a good friend of his.

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