Chapter 5

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Saturday. 11AM. Bed. 

More like 'Can I sleep for a week AM'. 

Rolling over and wishing I didn't have to move, I noticed the Ben sized lump that was here last night wasn't. 

'He's probably looking after Bridget' I momentarily thought, undoing my plait from yesterday, heading downstairs, a sudden realisation hitting me in the stomach. 

Standing in the doorway of the kitchen, I saw Merlin eating his breakfast, Bridge and Ben appeared to be making theirs. 

“I'm surprised you're up Bridge? How's the head, liver, or ankles? I would've made you something if you asked." I said, leaning over the island to talk to her, Ben opposite me on the right, Bridge heating a frying pan up at the stove.

“We didn’t mind Rosie, besides I practically live here at the best of times, think of this as my version of rent given that I use all your stuff, borrow your clothes, and eat all your food.” She casually said and I shook my head.

She always finishes the ice cream and never says which is devastating when I’m having a Netflix day, I might start charging some sort of friend rate, these guys are the reason I never have anything in!

“Morning friend.” Ben quietly said, a warm smile making its way across his face.

“Morning friend.” I said, looking over at him for a moment, feeling like I was in limbo- half of me was totally relaxed and the other half was trying to make sense of last night.

“Jesus my head is killing me, have you got any paracetomol or a brick I can knock myself out with?” Bridge asks, looking like she was knocking on deaths door, I should be soothing her but it was funny to see her self-inflicted suffering. 

“No bricks I’m afraid but there’s a plethora of painkillers in the cupboard right above you Bridge, you were like a goldfish with those shots. Have you learnt nothing from your undergrad drinking days?” I said, her silent eye roll confirming she'd learnt nothing. 

With a look that said 'I regret pretty much everything' she reached for the cupboard and got some water moments after.

“I did unfortunately hit your head on the door carrying you inside Bridge, forgive me?” Ben added as he passed her the batter with puppy eyes and she began to make the pancakes, she wasn’t buying the puppy eyes at all.

“I’m never drinking Sambuca again, it’s worse than tequila. I actually think I’m dying, you can have my goldfish if I don't live to see tomorrow Rosie. Ben you get nothing for whacking my head on the door.” Bridget mumbled as the pancakes cooked, she'll be fine, Marc will baby her back to health once she sees him, they're literally the coolest, cutest couple ever.

I'm being totally biased but it's true. 

I looked outside the window to see the trees blowing in the strong wind for a moment thinking Merlin could really do with a walk.

“You okay? Looked like you were about to zone out.” He smiled, gently brushing my arm.

“I'm fine, I was just watching the trees outside.”

“Benny, can you plate these up? I’m in desperate need of a cig.” Bridget uttered, tapping away on the worktop, it's like the eighth wonder of the world watching her try to get through the day feeling so rough. 


With Bridget outside I gently patted his side as he plates up.

“Sleep well?” I asked, his face softened into a faint smile, before nodding for a moment.

Well and truly Cumberbatched (To be revised)Where stories live. Discover now