Chapter 24

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Friday. Evening. The catcher in the rye. Ben’s with Merlin in the garden, as I get ready upstairs before we go to Somerset house with Mary and Joe. I decided to wear a black cardigan, white vest, black skinny jeans and plain black pumps, my necklace as usual happily perched around my neck. Moments later I’m standing in front of the mirror in my bedroom, combing my hair as Ben enters wearing a charcoal cardigan, white t-shirt, black jeans and black dessert boots.

“We're kind of twins again” I said as he smiled a little, taking my comb from my hand and gently pulls it through my hair; I place my hand over my tummy as the familiar sensation of weeping angels comes back. Ben warmly smiles as he lets my hair fall through his fingers delicately.

“Thank you.” I said.                                           

“For what exactly?” He asked, putting the comb down on my bedside table.

“It’s kinda cute, you combing my hair is all.” I replied.

“It’s like wavy silk, I love to run my fingers through it.” He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and I just smiled softly to myself, placing a hand over his. Moments later the doorbell went.

“Damn.” I said as Ben released me.

“That must be Mary and Joe? I hope they didn’t bring a donkey.” Ben said and I laughed a little.

“Must be, I’ll go let them in before Merlin’s barking scares them off.” I said walking to the hallway.

“One thing.” Ben said pulling me back.

“One thing?” I asked somewhat confused. Suddenly his lips met mine for a few brief moments, my hands on his sides.

“I might not get a chance later is all.” He smiled. I smiled softly as we went downstairs to get the door, he’s so adorable.  

Merlin, still barking profusely was waiting at the door.

“Merlin, please.” I firmly said and he stopped. I opened the door, Ben with a hand on my lower back. “Hey guys. Come in.” I said as Merlin started barking really loudly again.

“Merlin, stop.” Ben said rather sternly and Merlin immediately stopped.

“Sorry about him, he’s been a bit temperamental recently. Mary, Joe, this is Ben, Ben this is Mary and Joe.” I said warmly as I closed the  door. “We’ve heard a lot about you, nice to finally meet you.” Joe said shaking Ben’s hand.

“It’s lovely to finally meet you too, I’ve heard quite a bit about you also Joe.” Ben replied as Merlin walked by and sat next to Ben in the hall. “Mary, it’s lovely to meet you.” Ben said giving her a hug. “Likewise, although I think Merlin wants a hug too.” Mary smiled as a small laugh was heard from everyone. “He’s rather sweet, but poorly at the moment, apologies for the barking.” Ben said warmly as he crouched down to stroke his head and I smiled a little at him. “Come through to the kitchen guys, bit more comfortable than the hall.” I said taking Mary’s hand as we made our way to the kitchen.

“I must admit Ben, I’m kinda overwhelmed. Joe said as he ran his fingers through his hair.

“I had similar moments when I met Harrison Ford, it’s hard to put into words.” Ben said pulling a funny face as we all laughed.

“Glass of wine before we head out?” I asked. “Sounds good” Mary said, as Merlin hopped up on the bay window where Ben was sat, his head in his lap.

“Aw bless, is he okay?” Mary asked.

“He’s got a pretty bad ear infection recently so he’s not really being himself these days, and he’s not sleeping much at the moment. Luckily for me his bark is no louder than a baby’s cry, I’d have spent all week apologising to the neighbours. I think he’s just tired and frustrated really” I sighed, passing her a glass.

Well and truly Cumberbatched (To be revised)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin