Chapter 15

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Wednesday. Three and a bit weeks later. 


New York and Ontario were wonderful, just as Tom had predicted. I secured a few new clients and collaborated with new designers as well as making major headway on my latest paper, and I've got one big web design project to work on for the next six months which I’m really excited about.

 'It's gonna be a good year', I thought to myself, Merlin calmly sat next to me, heading to the family home for dinner and a bit of a catch up. 


I'vemissd being at home, or at my parents’ house, I'm not sure what to call it these days. Quietly tucked away from the hustle and bustle often associated with living in the capital it was like a sound proof bubble in a world of noise. It's sort of the hub for the family to all congregate at most of the time. 


Merlin ran straight into the kitchen where my dad Michael was making a cup of tea, it smelt like 'Lady Grey' from the hallway. 

“Merlin! How are you doing young man?” he asked, Merlin excitedly barking at his feet, naturally to dad's amusement and mums annoyance.

“Is Merly always that loud? I’m sure he usually isn’t.” My mum Imogen, who sounds just like Sally  'bear with bear with' (if you get the Miranda reference) Phillips said as I entered the kitchen with Caspian the family cat in her arms. He can meow as much as he likes as he's a little (overwhelmingly) spoiled by mum if I'm honest. With fur as white as snow and big green eyes you can’t say no to more often than not I'm sure he was a prince in a past life, if such a thing exists. 

She does like dogs but she likes them more when they’re not barking so much.

"Mum" I uttered, leaning on the island next to her.


"You lurve him really don't you?" I nudged her as I said it, her ability to hide a laugh waning by the second. 

"Of course I do"

"Dad?" I asked, going over to him, he was sat at the small table in the corner.

"My darling Rosebud, you owe me a hug! Abandoning your old man for your career!" he pouted, a giggle escaping me.

"You've got mum to feed your need for attention remember? And four charming sons, who aren't less awesome than me at all" I smiled, sitting in his lap as I said it, a smile on his face.

"That's true, but every so often a father misses his little girl" he softly said, I gently hugged him a moment before thinking again. 



"I think mum needs a good tickle to make her love Merlin again, what'd you think?" I asked, my hand on his shoulder.

"She does look like it, now you say" he said, his smile mirroring mine.

"Look, I love him. Lots and lots, I've already been affectionately tackled by your brothers!" she huffed, trying to stifle a laugh as she said it, she's not always very serious. 

“I think he’s just excited is all, he’s just missed being on home soil I guess.” I said taking my phone out my dress' pocket, dad simply chuckled into his mug, he loves seeing her annoyed.

“I love him really, he's like my four legged grandson but I just have a headache is all, work’s been chaotic and your brothers have been making an absolute racket as usual since they arrived. Goodness it feels like they've never grown up!” She sighed placing Caspian down, reaching for a paracetomol.

Well and truly Cumberbatched (To be revised)Where stories live. Discover now