Chapter 7

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Eighteen weeks, copious texts, calls, and a few sleepovers later...

Wednesday. Morning. 

Sat on the living room floor with a calm Merlin, I attached his leash before turning my attention to Bridge.

“Do you think she’s going to stop squealing anytime soon?” I exasperatedly asked, Bridget's eyes rolling into what looked like the next century.

“She's clearly just happy for you two. You could’ve told her sooner, she’d have been fine by now. You know what she's like when people get together.” Bridget said tapping away at her diary with a pen.

“I think she’ll be fine in THREE, TWO, ONE!” Bridget shouted, suddenly the excited screaming stopped with Phoebe entering the living room moments later, her cheeks flushed against her pale skin. 

“Oh my god I can't believe you're actually together! I mean seriously it's been over a year of you two subtly flirting and you've fancied him for ages! Jeez miracles do bloody happen!” Phoebe exclaimed, barely able to sit still. 

“Bridge, I thought you’d be more excited?!” Phoebe asked pulling her diary away and holding it ransom, much to her annoyance, the phrase 'If looks could kill' sprung to mind. 

“Believe me she’s way more excited than she’s letting on.” I uttered as they giggled like school children, Merlin adjusting himself in my lap for a moment. 

“I may have lost my marbles in the middle of a very quiet bar after we went to see a play a few weeks ago with Ben, Tom, Marc, Simon, Ed, and Jane (Tom’s sort of girlfriend) and they finally told us they’re together. It was weird how coy they were that night, you'd have never guessed they were actually all loved up, they were just talking like normal. It’s just that well, I mean seriously Phoeb’s, these two couldn’t be better for each other, everyone's been saying for ages why they weren't dating already. 

It was only right to flip the fuck out when I found out they finally got the ‘I really like you and here’s a lovely picnic Bridget set up and I adore you, for the love of god let’s spend more time together’ conversation out of the way, and actually got together."

"Really? That's so sweet! Aw look at her all loved up with nothing to say for once" Phoebe cheekily added, my eyes now rolling into the next century.

"She wasn't totally happy, she had a go at me that night" I said, looking over at them.

"What? Why?" Phoebe asked Bridge, the tone of excitement evaporating.

"She took nearly four months to tell me. I mean who keeps that from their best friend? Even Ben was being weird for ages when I asked him how things were since the party at the Row and he wouldn't say a thing. They just isolated themselves, you wouldn't of thought they had friends" she quietly said, Phoebe looking over at me for a moment.

"Really Rosie?" she asked.

"Well, it's early days and Ben didn't really want to sprout about it is all. It wasn't intentional to be so quiet about it amongst you guys but it well...happens. We were just trying to keep it as quiet as we could." I said, rubbing Merlin's belly a few times. 

"But to be fair to Rosie Bridget, there's a lot of people out there who'll want to know if he's dating as they always are so if staying quiet meant a little privacy for them both then so be it. You know now, we all do so what's the problem?" Phoebe uttered, faintly smiling in my direction. I smiled too, appreciating her understanding. 

"I know, it was weird because he had an interview a few weeks ago at the book festival he attended with me at Penguin and when asked if he was single by a journalist from a small magazine, I can't remember the name and he said he was. That's why I was a little well, peeved because I was sure they were together. It just seemed weird." Bridge almost said before I cut in.

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