Authors note

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Hello there lovely reader, if you're kind enough to be reading this I hope Benedict makes all your dreams come true, unless you'd prefer another mystical being to do that then well um yeah that's great although he might cry but anyway I'm in the process of revising this story so I just thought I'd let you know, no chapters are disappearing I'm just going to be moving some text around as some chapters are too long to say the least (bare with me, it's my first fic and I wasn't very aware of chapter lengths and stuff after posting when I was a wee wattpad baby. I'm also renaming the chapters so don't get put off by the titles, editing as fast as I can!). Anywho, thank you ever so much for reading because it honestly is just so wonderful to know that someone is giving it a chance and having a read and I just want you to enjoy it really and Mr Cumberbatch if you're reading this yes, of course I will marry you don't be so nervous. Anyway so I'll um tip toe out of here now and let you carry on.

Live long and fangirl!


Well and truly Cumberbatched (To be revised)Where stories live. Discover now