Chapter 17

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Sunday. Late Morning.

Coming back from a walk, Merlin watches me as I get ready to have lunch with Ben’s parents. I decide to wear my blue dress that I wore to the theatre with Tom when the ‘steak gate’ incident happened.

I slipped on black over the knee socks and put on black vans, as I’m driving down to their house in Gloucestershire; I’ll put on my black heels when I get there. I brushed my hair past my shoulders and tucked some behind my ear with a small hair clip.

“How do I look Merlin?” I asked my four legged friend as I twirled around.

“Woof!” he barked a few times, bless him he's adorable. Cheeky but adorable. 

With my magnifier necklace hanging around my neck, I stroked Merlin as we made our way to the car and I tapped in the post code to Ben’s parents’ house on the sat-nav. About 20 minutes later I dropped Merlin off with Mrs Hudson’s who was rather excited when I told her about my plans today, which was rather endearing and I made my way down to Gloucestershire.


Slowing down on the somewhat gravelled road where they live, I suddenly felt really sick, as I looked for their house number.

“God I’m so nervous, I hope I don’t make a fool of myself.” I said to myself as I parked, changed my shoes and grabbed a bunch of white lilies and a bottle of merlot from the back seat for his parents.

“God it’s practically a castle. Right don’t trip, fall, or slip on anything today.” I say to myself as I make my way up the pebbled path and knock on the front door of what may as well be Camelot.

“Rosie, why are you stalking the neighbours?! They’re not in!” I hear Ben call from the doorway of a rather fairytale-esque house next door.

“What can I say? I’m a people person!” I called back as I practically hobble up the path to the correct house, 'how the hell did I not notice Ben’s car parked outside the right one? Nerves I guess. In these shoes on this gravel I feel like I’ve climbed a mountain already', I think to myself. 

“Afternoon darling, you look incredible. I’m sure I’ve seen that dress before.” Ben smiles as he takes my free hand leading me into the hallway and I blushed.

Before I can even say hello, his lips meet mine for a lingering moment as he gently holds my face with his free hand and all my nerves are gone. “Most people have their main course before dessert Benedict, even if she’s clearly as beautiful as you say she is.” Ben’s mum Wanda said. I pressed my lips together as Ben let go of my face, and placed his hand on my lower back.

“Thank you mother.” He said sarcastically, I didn't even look but I could hear him rolling his eyes.

“Rosie, this is my mum Wanda, mum this is my girlfriend Rosalind, who I’ve told you lots about.” Ben said as I walked towards her and Ben’s dad Timothy comes in, possibly from the garden, judging by the mud on his trousers. 

“Afternoon, it’s lovely to finally meet you Ms-” “Call me Wanda, please, it’s wonderful to meet you Rosalind, what a beautiful name, we’ve been absolutely dying to meet you.” She smiled as did I and we embraced in a hug, I noticed that Ben has her eyes.

“I’m glad to finally meet you too Wanda, and that was a rather lovely thing you just said”

“Oh my pleasure darling, Ben’s been talking about you for weeks and constantly telling us how beautiful you are, he’s not wrong. Not to mention his iPhone appears to be a homage to adorable pictures of you two.” She said, feeling my face get warmer I looked over at Ben who’s cheeks had gone bright red, looks like we're matching shades of embarrassment today. Makes a change, I'm usually the one who's got a face like a tomato.

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