Chapter 8

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Thursday. Morning.

Sitting up I decided watch the morning sun shine on a somewhat decent day, resisting the urge to go back to sleep, like most days. I really need to get some sort of sleep schedule thing going on, like a normal person...I think I'm running on almost empty most of the time. 

Weird because I spend a lot of time in bed, but then again so does my iPad, and my kindle, and my phone, and my work on my mac at the best of times.

Aside from Ben's snoring occasionally keeping me up which has led to quite a few grumpy mornings, I'm "sensing" there's a reason I don't sleep a lot. 

As fascinating as thinking about sleep deprivation isn't, I decided getting a shower, some food and Merlin off to the vets were a little more important, then again were is the little man? 

Coming out of the bathroom I went my through my usual routine before slipping into a grey t-shirt and black skinny jeans, doing a dance of sorts as I got my sandals on. I got downstairs to see Merlin was a lot calmer than he usually is in the mornings after a good sleep; whilst having a quick breakfast I hoped he realised being cute isn’t getting him out of going to the vets, pulling on a grey hoody we headed out; it might of been one of Ben's, he probably thinks I haven't noticed but his stuff is slowly but surely taking over my house.

Leaving the house and heading out with Merlin I thought that I should have seen this happening. I can't complain really, his stuff is really comfy. Speak of the devil and he shall appear as they always say, my phone vibrating in my pocket, I stopped for a moment to have a read. I've never been good at walking and texting, and with a dog I'd rather not bump into people or accidentally walk in front of a car. I couldn't forgive myself if Merlin ever got hurt through my negligence. 

'Try to resist rolling your eyes but I'm "surprisingly" running late, interview in a café down the road from set later and a few formalities to go over- top secret of course; take my keys I left at yours and make yourself comfy later, I might even cook for you when I get back! xxx' it read, resisting the urge to roll my eyes at his shit timekeeping I smiled to myself for a moment, before remembering the last time he made me something, tapping away at my phone's screen for a moment.

'As long as I don't end up wretching on the bathroom floor I think I'll look forward to it! Food poisoning isn't exactly the sign of a burgeoning romance you know! xxx' 

'That was one time! Burgeoning romance? Look at me, the object of your affection hmm?' he sent back, I shook my head for a moment.

'It felt like a lifetime staring into that toilet bowl I'll have you know! Anyway, hurry up being awesome Mr Famous. Well I like you a bit, just so you know xxx' I lastly wrote before picking up the pace with Merlin again. 


The vets.

“Come on Merly, you’re a big boy now. You’re going in” I sighed as he gave me an innocent look with those big beady eyes of his, probably wiling some force of nature to destroy the building he frankly hated, a whining noise coming from him. 

“No Merlin. Come on, you’ll get lots of bellyrubs from Ben if you’re good next time you see him” I said and after a treat or two he calmly came in with me; treats aside I think he was more excited about getting belly rubs from Ben, I never knew it was possible to spoil a dog so much but Merlin makes it seem rude not to.


After a slightly better than usual vets trip I got back home and finally got on with some work, it was mostly coding the website for a info-graphics company I’m working for at the moment, I work on a contract basis so if the work is there and they want me I’ll show them my portfolio and get on with it if all goes well. Usually I work alone but sometimes I work with others, it depends on the size of the project.

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