Chapter 23

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AN: Sort of an intermittent chapter as it doesn't follow anything major, hope you like it :0) 

Thursday. One week later.

My house.

I’m sat on the end of the sofa reading fan fiction on my iPad as Ben watches TV next to me (I think it’s a Lucy Worsely documentary, I’ve already seen it a few times).

“Are you still reading that fic? I thought you’d finished it yesterday?” he asked.

"It’s a different one I came across.” I said, not looking up from the screen.

“Oh.” He said.

“Oh?” I asked.

“Nothing, I just wondered is all.” He added and I carried on reading as he continues watching the documentary. 

“OMFG!” I gasped, accidentally tapping Ben’s arm in the process. “I take it something good happened?” he asked.

“Yeah, urm it’s a ‘love’ scene, and really well written. I wasn’t expecting it.” I said looking over at him and he smiled a little. I carry on reading and fangirling a little.

“Ben! BEN! OMFG he just asked her to marry him!” I exclaimed grabbing his arm maybe a bit too enthusiastically.

“God Rosalind, you’re gonna break my arm!” He said rather bluntly, moving my hand from his arm.

“Sorry, I got a bit carried away.” I quietly said. Ben just huffed a little and rewound the part he missed because of me.

“I didn’t mean it Ben, I just like reading these.” I said and I saw him shake his head in a way that said he was irritated, as he folded his arms.

“You’re always reading them these days, I can’t even cuddle you in bed when we go to sleep because you’re reading off your iPad till the early hours Rosalind. It’s not annoying as such, it’s just…I don’t know.” He said, still rather coldly. I just put my iPad and glasses down on the floor, folded my arms bringing my knees up to my chest and looked downwards away from him, not that the fibres of my jeans are interesting or anything.

“Rosalind, I didn’t mean you’re annoying.” He said, I just said nothing for a moment and continued looking away.

“Yes you did. You think I’m being annoying, you hardly call me Rosalind that much unless you’re being serious about something.” I huffed, still not looking at him.

“Now you’re annoyed, great. Rosie I didn’t mean it like that.” he added. I said nothing, either way I’m still annoying him.

He’s woken me up loads of times at 4AM or something to tell me about a thought he was having, I’ve never snapped at him like that…ever; even when I really could have done with not being woken up in the middle of a good sleep like most people. He gets up and leaves the living room, and heads upstairs. I just sit there, feeling somewhat annoyed, as if we haven’t fallen out enough recently. 

A few minutes pass…

Ben comes back and sits next to me, running his fingers through my hair. I slowly turn around a little, still not looking at him directly.

“What’s occurring in the story so far then?” he asked and I looked up at him.


“Please? I want to know what’s putting a smile on your cute little face.” He said and I looked up at him. I tucked some hair behind my ear and picked my iPad up and put my glasses on. 

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