Chapter 7, Part 2

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I didn’t know what he could have meant.

I hadn’t seen him much since we got back from Zurich nearly a week ago, I've been back and forth between here and Nottingham quite frequently for work, he's been here and in Wales working on Sherlock. But if I'm honest I really don't have the time to think about possible mixed messages. We've been alright that last few months, a tiny squabble here or there but nothing major. 

‘Sure, I have to drive now. I probably won’t be able to chat till after my presentation. Is that okay? xxx’

I pondered for a moment but my phone vibrating tore me from my thoughts. 

‘That’s absolutely fine. Safe journey, and you’re going to nail that presentation :0) xxxxx’

Somewhat perplexed but a little cheered up by the smiley face, I put my phone away and headed out, arriving at the university about an hour later, trying to remember my notes, I try not to read off of cue cards if I can help it, you can connect with your audience better that way.

Bumbling through with my notes, laptop and probably a load of junk I didn't need but carried around for some reason, I met Phoebe for a few minutes before heading out to talk, placing my notes on the podium, my presentation on the screen behind me, taking a few sips of water before I began.


“Great presentation Rosie.” Phoebe said, a faint smile on my face as I packed up, sat on the stage for a moment.

“Thanks Phoebs, I’m glad my voice didn’t go all funny this time from nerves. It’s so embarrassing when it happens” I said before we got to the car.

"Doing anything tonight?" I asked, it was about half nine but I thought I'd ask.

"Hm no, I think Hugo's out with a few friends so it'll be me and the cat tonight. Tragic right?" she said, closing her door. 

"I'm sure Ivy (Hugo's cat) will love your company, and well I'll be tucked up with Merlin not doing much either so we're both worn out barely twenty something year olds" I added, starting the car up, pulling out on to the main road a minute later.

"Really? Not snuggling up to your darling Benny tonight?" she teased, a blush rising to my cheeks.

"I never call him 'Benny', I don't feel comfortable calling him that anyway. Um no, I think we spend maybe two nights a week together, sometimes three. It just depends really, if I'm up doing work all night or he's working it's not really ideal to be hovering around if you can't really pay attention."


"How was Zurich anyway?" she asked, sometime later, now pulling up to her and Hugo's flat. 

"Honestly, it was amazing. I just learnt so much, next year I'm going to be working in the faculty of computer science and medicine at ETH. I really can't wait. It's more like work experience because I've only just got my masters but still. Things are looking up" my smile mirroring hers, we talked for a while longer before she headed home. 


Picking Merlin up from Mrs 'I wish you'd stop smoking' Hudson's house, he bounded through the front door, probably hoping to see Ben, padding back to me moments later.

"I'm sorry Merly, no Ben tonight I'm afraid" I softly said, putting my bags down, locking the house up before heading upstairs with him in my arms, he's not the lightest but maybe a cuddle would make him feel better. 

Settling Merlin on my bed my phone rang and I saw it was Ben, somewhat nervous I was tempted to just let it go to voice-mail but decided I would actually talk to him, doing the whole grown up thing of not avoiding things for once.

Well and truly Cumberbatched (To be revised)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum