Chapter 6

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Sitting down on the rather comfy blanket, Merlin rests his head in my lap as I take his leash off but he stays close to me; he used to be a runner when I started off leash training when he was a puppy but now he's a pro at not running off and listening to me, well at the best of times, if there's a pigeon in his sights he loves to chase them.

We talk about being away and the books we’d recently been reading (for me it was The Casual Vacancy and for him it was Revolutionary Road) between mouthfuls of food and sips of festival cider, as Merlin ate some food Ben, well Bridget [insert raised eyebrow here] had packed for him.



"It just occured to me"

"You had a thought? Gosh look at you, all grown up."

"Very funny, but...what if Bridget popped into my room during the night. Could you imagine." 

"But she didn't."

"Ben, I know. But still."

"See, the thing is"

"Hm?" I murmured, my fingers tracing Merlin's collar.

"I already thought of that. I locked my door then yours when I came in. I know what would've happened. She'd want an explanation and we'd be mortified."

"That's a subtle way of putting it" I said, a faint laugh excaping him.

"So you assumed I'd want you to be the big spoon?" my eyebrow raising as I asked, he was thinking. Thinking, thinking, thinking.

"Well, yes. When you remve the impossible-" he almost said.

"Holmes and Spock quotation aside, I get it, and clearly assumed right." I smiled as did he, before he continued to tell me in some details the journey of April and Frank Wheeler, I might read it some day. 


“You know, I'll actually punch a cloud and cry like a baby when the 12th doctor is announced, I can’t even deal, I just. I don't know. Tumblr will explode, the internet will melt and I’ll just be a wreck. Don’t even get me started on the ‘Sherlockr3vealed’ thing too, I think I've gone from being excited to actually suffering waiting now.

I mean to think you know everything already, it's a really stressful time to be a 'Wholockian'” I sighed, having a moment lying on my back, placing my hat over my face as Merlin moved off me and moved around to Ben, who was holding a his doggy water bottle for him as he sipped from it.

“You never cease to amaze me with your interesting choice of words Rosalind. Then again I should have remembered the time you left me a voice-mail completely losing it when you re-watched ‘the angels take Manhattan’ a few months ago; dangerous emotional territory for a ‘Whovian’.” He replied, looking at the sky above as he stroked Merlin’s head, his leash now in my bag.

Chuckling softly to myself I sat up, putting my hat on again.

“I guess it's just that these shows are a big part of my life, I’ve met some of my closest friends through the shows and our mututal fondness for them. They aren't just a collection of episodes and characters, they’re family and I just want them to keep going I guess. You can’t just switch off from these things. They literally become a part of you, believe me if I could switch off from them at the best of times I would. It's pretty distracting.” I added, half answering Ben, half thinking out loud, stretching my fingers out in front of me.

“I totally understand what you mean, and your appreciation of such things is rather endearing.” He smiled as did I.

“However, there is someone I find more endearing and she’s called Rosalind, usually Rosie but never Roz, unless you have a death wish.” He said as he sat up and lent against the oak tree, a small smile forming at the corner of his mouth.

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