Chapter 13

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Monday. Evening.

“How was lunch with your parents?” I asked, navigating towards junction 14 on the M25.

“Lovely, they were honestly asking me so much about you!" he sighed, a laugh escaping my mouth as I turned the window wipers on, the light drizzle being brushed away. 


"Yes, maybe I've shot myself in the foot gushing about you. You're not bad you know" he said looking over me, as much as I wanted to roll my eyes I did muster a smile. 

"I should have just asked you to join us but I didn’t want to distract you from work as usual.” He said, placing his hand on mine as I rested it on the gear stick, changing from fourth to fifth gear on the motorway.

“No, you enjoy your time with them, I’ll be seeing them soon enough and who knows if they like me I’ll see more of them in general; and you’re definitely not a distraction.” I smiled as we approached Heathrow terminal 4 and I slowed into second gear.

“I’m sure they will.” Ben uttered before we got out the car and made our way into the airport. I smiled to myself for a moment, I hope they do, they sound like lovely people from all he's told me. 


At a small ‘Caffe Nero’s’ we sit in a dark corner away from the hustle and bustle of airport life; Ben checked in whilst I grabbed a table for us, he was a few minutes getting back though, a few fans were here apparently. 

“Thank you.”

“For what exactly?” I asked, having looked up from a small leaflet about accessing wifi on the cloud. 

“For bringing me here, you didn’t have to.” He said, taking a sip from his iced tea.

“My pleasure, honestly. It’s so cool you’re going to Tokyo, what a beautiful city, absolutely steeped in culture.” I smiled as I sipped on my rather bitter lemonade, maybe I should’ve gotten a frappachino instead.

“It’s not quite as beautiful as you but it’ll do for now.” He winked, I lent over a moment kissing him just once. 

“Nearly a month of promotionals and work without those lips, however will I cope?” he pouted.

“Control your emotions Cumberbatch, you’ll be fine.” I said in my best Snape voice; continued to talk until it was time for Ben to board, stopping again to talk to some fans as he signed a few autographs. 

"Why do I get the feeling you don't like the fan side of things?" he quietly asked, taking my hand in his again. 

"Because I don't. Well I mean I respect the fact you have them but I dunno. It's weird isn't it?"

"No one's going to bother you, you're way too boring" he whispered, a giggle escaping me. 

"I'm glad, you keep breaking hearts, I'll just go be normal" I stuck my tongue out, his laugh was deep but soft; well that and I saw something on Twitter recently where someone said us two getting together was 'One of the dumbest things he's ever done' because of our age difference. I can't say I felt amazing about it. 

"Rosie" he said, stopping for a moment.


"I know what you saw on Twitter, I've seen it too, and it doesn't bother me. It shouldn't bother you either. Let them think what they like, I'm not living my life according to their wants and expectations. Okay?" he said, I nodded for a moment, feeling much better.

"I know, it's just-" I almost said.

"No, Rosie look" he quietly said, pulling to the side for a moment.

Well and truly Cumberbatched (To be revised)Where stories live. Discover now