Introduction to OC

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First name: Alice

Last name: Doesn't have one

Age: 14

Past: Alice doesn't remember much of her past, she has been with Gon and his family for as long as she can remember. But two reminders of her past have stayed with her for god knows how long. One being bells which she tied on her sword sheath. The other reminder being a familiar man who keeps coming in her dreams telling her that she is the child of souls and that she can't die until she has a child who will eventually gain her powers.

Birthday: May 4th (Taurus)

Hair: Light brown

Eyes: Blue

Clothing: She wears a red kimono with white lining and a burgundy undershirt. She pairs that with a purple obi (sash), lilac thigh-high socks, red geta (Japanese wooden shoes), a cute hairpin and a sword with bells attached to the sheathing (the covering of the sword).


This picture is not mine but I thought that it went nicely with my OC.

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