An X Unexpected X Task

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The gates opened to reveal a mansion... With a kitchen? Two hunters come in front of us and introduce themselves, "I'm Menchi and this is Buhara. We are gourmet hunters and for this task examiners." 

"Phase 2 of the hunter examinations involves cooking," All the contestants (except for me) laughed. I looked away at a tree and saw Sato-san hiding and his facial expression changing to worried.  The contestants probably shouldn't have laughed. A fat man with blond hair asked, "What are we going to cook?" Buhara steps up and says, "You are going to be cooking pork from the Visca Forest Reserve which is around the mansion."

"We will judge the dishes by taste and presentation and is it so happens that we are full, the exam will finish. You may start." As she said that everyone ran into the forest including me. The only animals we found there were the Great Stamps. I knew about this animal and it's Achilles heel because I had gone on a camping trip with some people from Wales Island and the Great Stamp was the only source of food since one of the Great Stamps had stolen our food.

I grabbed an apple from a nearby tree and hit it on one of the boar heads, which rendered it unconscious. I took the boar back to the kitchen and started to cook it at a low temperature. While it was cooking I combined some bread crumbs and mustard in a small mixing bowl until I heard the boar meat sizzle in the pan. I added some oil to the boar meat and put the stove on high heat.

I transferred the meat to a roasting pan where I coated the meat with the mustard and bread crumbs mix that I had made earlier. After waiting a few minutes I removed the meat and left it to cool for 10 minutes. While it was cooling, I decided to cut an apple (the one I hit the boar with) into thick slices and heat a saute pan on high. I added sugar and saute into the pan and while I waited for it to caramelize, I cut the boar meat (which had cooled by now) into individual slices. 

The sugar and saute had become a light amber, a bit like Hisoka's eyes- No time to think about him, why am I even thinking about Hisoka right now? I added butter into the sugar and saute mix and stirred that until it sizzled. I then added the apple slices into the mix and made sure there was caramel coating the apple all over. I plated everything and added a bit of herb that I found outside on top of everything. 

I waited until I heard my name being called, "Alice, it's your turn." I nervously walked over to the two judges before handing my plate over to them, "It's Great Stamp ribs with caramelized apples." Menchi tasted the dish and her eyes immediately lit up, "Buhara! Come over here, this is delicious!" Buhara took my dish and tasted it and his eyes lit up too, "The presentation and taste were amazing, I think you should pass." Menchi nodded, "Good job kiddo." Menchi ruffled my hair and smiled at me.

When Menchi and Buhara were full, they promptly failed everyone except for me. Everyone was shocked at their decision but I think Todo was way more shocked than anyone because he completely obliterated his workstation. Menchi got out of her seat, "You have not exerted enough effort in creating a pork dish that both examiners find delicious." Hanzo, being a smart-ass, decides to talk back to the examiner, "All the pork dishes were the same!" Menchi shakes her head, " Alice, the only person who passed phase 2 made something other than roasted Great Stamp. She made Great Stamp ribs with caramelized apples." Menchi nags Hanzo more and finally says, "You are not worthy because you aren't willing to take risks and try new things."

I stop paying to see what Hisoka is doing but all I hear is Todo screaming in anger, I look back to see Buhara knock Todo off by a sweep of his hand. I start laughing really loudly and people look my way, "Carry on, don't mind me." 

Menchi looks at Buhara and tells him not to interfere. Buhara replies with. "If I hadn't interfered, you would've killed Todo." Menchi and Buhara argue for a while before an airship hovers above all of us. An elderly man jumps out of the airship and I, once again, start to laugh loudly, "Don't mind me." The old man, Netero, asks Menchi if she failed all of the applicants because of their unwillingness to try new things. Menchi sighs, "I admit I lost my cool but I lost my cool because my profession as a gourmet hunter was insulted."

There is a whole speech between old man Netero and Menchi but I pay attention to Hisoka who was staring back at me with a smile. He's creepy but handsome. I hate him so much but at the same time, he's handsome. I stop looking at him when old man Netero clears his throat, "All of you will redo phase 2 at Mount Split-in-Half." 

Hisoka's Partner (RE-WRITTEN Hunter x Hunter Fanfic) Hisoka X Reader X IllumiUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum