Raibaru X Ga X Sabaibaru

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I walked away from the familiar man to be stopped by a fat man with thick eyebrows, "What is it?" He stared at me and gave me a sinister smile, "Nothing, I just saw you talking to that guy. Thought you'd like to know something about him." He came close to my ear and whispered, "He killed an examiner during last year's examinations." 

I stared shocked at the new information, "Are you sure?" He nodded, "Yeah, I think you should stay away from him." I looked between Hisoka (who was across the room) and the fat man. "I don't believe you. There's no way anyone would do that!" 

Suddenly, I heard a loud scream. I looked to see where it was coming from but couldn't see anything because of the crowd surrounding the source of the commotion. I ran over to see what happened, there was the familiar man and he had made another applicant's arms disappear! I stepped away from the crowd as the fat man once again appeared.

"Here, have a drink. By the way, my name is Tonpa, it'd be great if you could stop calling me 'fat man with thick eyebrows'." I took the drink out of his hands and was about to drink it when the familiar man came and swiped the drink out of my hand, "Dear, don't drink that. I wouldn't want you to drop out before it even starts, now would I?" He looked at Tonpa and gave him a murderous glare as Tonpa ran away. "Thank you.. Um.. What's your name?" 


Hisoka's Partner (RE-WRITTEN Hunter x Hunter Fanfic) Hisoka X Reader X IllumiUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum