Hisoka X wa X Hisoka

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I ran over to Satotz-san and jumped on his back, "SATOTZ-SAN~" He kept running but gave a glance at me, "Alice-chan, my, my you have grown up well." I laughed, "Of course I have, after all, you were my personal guidance counselor." His moustaches curled up, I think he was smiling.


It had been a long time since we started running, five hours at the least. Satotz-san and I were side-by-side talking about cats with hats and how adorable they are! "Satotz-san?" He glanced at me, "Yes?"

"I'm tired, when can I stop?" He stared ahead of him, "We've still got a great amount left to run, but you can get on my back and I'll tell you when we arrive, ok?" It took me less than a second to crawl on Satotz-san's back. I listened to the rhythmic beat of his heart and slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Alice, wake up. Don't you want to go to phase 2 of the hunter examinations?" I opened my eyes, annoyed at the bright light that hit my eyes. "Five more minutes... WAIT! We're already at phase 2?" Sato-san nodded. "Well, I have to go then. It was nice meeting you again Sato-san, we'll have to catch up some more another time." I gave him a small peck on the cheek and waved goodbye.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Hisoka giving Sato-san a glare. I snickered a bit until I noticed that Hisoka was coming my way. "Hey clown, your bloodlust is coming out." 

"Hehe~ Oops." He said licking his lips his eyes half-closed. "Ne, Hisoka?" He came next to me and wrapped his hand around my waist and glared at everyone looking at me, this was becoming a routine now. "Hmm, what is it?~" I looked at him up and down, "You don't have a weapon yet everyone says you're very dangerous, what do you fight with?" 

He seemed a little shocked by my observation but nonetheless still answered by flicking his wrist and launching a card at my face. The card made a small cut on my right cheek, "You could've said 'I fight with cards' like any other normal person." I said as I pouted. He stalked closer to me coming next my ear and whispering, "Then, where would the fun be in that?~ " I could feel his breath on my neck and I shivered under it. He licked the cut he made and took his card back.

"In the part where there isn't a risk of me dying. But that's probably what you found most fun." I walked away from him and went over to Gon who was talking to a grey haired kid that was probably the same age as Gon, "Who's this?" The grey haired kid stared at me, tensing his muscles, he was ready to attack. Gon smiled, "Alice-chan! I was looking for you but you disappeared a long time ago. Ah! You don't know Killua, this is Killua; my new friend. And Killua, this is Alice; my best friend."

Killua and I had a staring contest before he blinked, "Yo." I sweatdropped.

Hisoka's Partner (RE-WRITTEN Hunter x Hunter Fanfic) Hisoka X Reader X IllumiKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat