Chapter 2: Mutant Lover

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You'd disembarked the bus shortly after finishing up your conversation with Professor X. An hour and a half on the bus sure did pass quickly when you were talking about yourself. Sometimes you wondered if time was out to get you. You always ran out of time, no matter what.

As you'd guessed, the little girl had come to the Institute, assuming by the fact that Professor X was talking to her about some sort of earth powers. The ability to control earth, you thought. Maybe, but you couldn't remember now. The gap-toothed grin she gave him as she hugged him and took to pushing his wheelchair made your heart flutter in appreciation. You didn't see people who could reassure someone like that much these days. As you neared the Institute, Professor X had the little girl halt his wheelchair and he turned to you.

"My dear, I would very much love for you to come now, but I must first speak to my X-Men and some instructors. I would be gone again soon after getting this little one settled in and they must know of your...condition." He smiles gently. "Will you be okay for about a week?"

"I've taken care of myself this long, I think I'll be okay Professor." You turn to leave the two before whirling back around and giving him a quick hug. "Thank you. You've given me a chance...and some hope."

He simply chuckles. "Hope is the key to happiness."

After leaving the two, you found yourself wandering along a main road. You weren't sure where it went, but you were certain you'd find somewhere to stay, be it a hotel or apartment. Nearby, a group of boys and a girl were playing a hard game of catch. You noticed how dark it was getting, the sky turning a deep purple and blue mixture. A few stars were peeking out and you saw Polaris. Maybe this is where it meant for you to be. Hopefully, you'd find out soon.


You startle, dropping the duffel bag that you'd moved to your arms for a matter of comfort. You hear a sound like glass breaking and cry out, bending down to zip open the roundish bag. You found nothing broke, so took it for something else. When you look behind you and see a cracked windshield, you have to try and not laugh. One of the kids must have hit it with their ball.

A brown-haired guy was slowing to a stop near you on the road. As he pulled even, he also was much closer. You could see his agitated expression, despite the red sunglasses. You mildly wondered what those were about, but brushed it aside. You say the reason for his agitation and giggle a little. His car didn't look exactly cheap. The fact that he'd have to replace a broken windshield must upset him a good bit. Maybe he's into cars? "Are you (Y/N) (Y/N)?"

"Yes," you replied confusedly. "Why?"

"Professor sent me to take you to town. He must have thought that you'd wait, but you obviously haven't." He gestures for you to climb in and you step over to the other side of the two-seater convertible. "I'm to take you to an apartment complex for the next two weeks."

Two weeks? You'd thought the Professor had only said one. Maybe he'd miscalculated. Your duffel bag lay in the floor on top of your feet and you closed your eyes at the feeling of the air blowing your hair into a tangle. The cool wind felt great on your heated cheeks and you quickly relaxed around this guy. "Who are you?"

"Why should I tell you that?" Seriously? Rude much?

"You know who I am, so shouldn't I at least know your name?"

"Good point, recruit. Scott Summers, better known as Cyclops," he says, keeping eyes straight-forward and on the road.

"Cyclops. Which do you prefer?" you ask, immediately forming a nickname.

"From you? Cyclops."

"Whatever you say One-Eye." He jerks the wheel, causing you to fly into the door to your right, hurting your hip and bicep in the process. "Whoa there, buddy! I don't wanna die just yet."

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