Chapter 11: Faith

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"Vat are you doing?" You startled at Kurt's growl, your hands slipping off of Logan's shoulders.  You'd been sitting on the picnic table top, the tall mutant situated on the ground to where his shoulders came up to where your hands could work and relax comfortably on them.  You'd been in the position with various mutants for the past six hours.  Why Kurt was just now showing up, you had no idea.

"I'm giving out free massages, that's what," you retorted, returning your hands to working out the ever loosening knots in Wolvy's shoulders.  "Why?"


"You  can't find anything wrong with this can you, Blueberry?" You tease, raising an eyebrow playfully.  He looks away, a bright violet blush erupting across his cheeks.  You shake your head, a laugh managing to escape.  He just tickled you pink sometimes.   You pull him close by the wrist and plant a kiss on his cheek before another light one on his lips.  You had been less hesitant as of late to show him affection via your mouth.  Kisses in specific.

Kurt stares up at you through dark lashes, the gold seeming even brighter against the dark, only adding on by the contrasting blue.  The curve of his mouth alerted you to watch out.  Something about that slightly mischievous smirk meant trouble. 

"What are you getting in that blue head of yours?" You resumed working on Logan's shoulders who groaned.  You shook you head to get rid of that mischievous look that made you want to kiss him again and focused on your work. 

Then the hands grasped you, dragging you back until the bend of your knees hit the edge of the table top and something soft pressed against your neck.  You gasped, one hand gripping the table to keep from falling over.  The other threaded into the dark hair now visible in your left peripheral, pulling the blue lips away.

Kurt resisted, continuing his own ministration of your neck before grinning and pulling away, his lips placed next to your ears.  "My turn."

In response, you gently pushed Logan away, who had been watching with an amused expression.  Kurt planted himself onto the bench with a self-confident smirk...until an even more self-confident speedster literally spun him right off and took his place between your legs.

"Sorry Blue-Boy, but it's my turn.  I reserved a spot earlier," Peter catcalls, causing you to smack him on the side of his head.

"Move your big head, Speedy, and I'll think about giving you one-" but you're caught off midsentence when your boyfriend sends the other flying, once again taking post on the bench in front of you.

You roll your eyes when the silver-haired boy shoots you a puppy dog look and take to working on Kurt's shoulders.  You're surprised to find very few tight knots.  The only thing he really had that you had to work out was stiff muscles.  Peter patiently awaited his turn, watching you work and constantly bugging you with questions to why you were doing what you were doing.

You finished Kurt and he rolled his shoulders in appreciation, letting his tail snake up your arm for a moment.  You shook it off with a knowing smile and pulled Peter in for his turn.  After that little display, Kurt owed you a massage.

You were surprised to find the laidback speedster to actually having knots all down his back.  You wouldn't expect the silver-haired prankster and one of the most laid back people you know, sorta, to have such knots.  Sure, he might be kleptomaniac, but he was pretty relaxed via attitude. He must also work out to have the corded muscles beneath his t-shirt broadcasting yet another one of the older bands.  You work longer on him than Kurt...and your blueberry takes note of it, whining when you stopped in one spot for a longer time than the rest.

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