Chapter 12: Biding Our Time (Special)

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Pink Floyd Day...

My school has a thing going on where we have spirit Fridays because of the football games.  Well, yesterday (Friday) was rock-n-roll themed.  Throwback bands style.  We had a Beetle all dressed up in a suit.  But you know what I saw the most of?  Pink Floyd shirts.  And who wears those?  Peter.  So this one is for him and, of course, we'll have some lovely Kurt stuff as well.  So yesterday was dubbed Pink Floyd Day.  In honor of that, here we go:

Man, has it been a day for you.  The big masquerade ball is tomorrow and you're being stressed out...but not in a bad way.  In fact, you don't know if you could take anymore craziness. 

Seeing Peter wear a Pink Floyd was normal.  Seeing everyone in the whole freaking school...was another.  Even Kurt, which led you to question how this had come about.  As soon as you saw the sea of students in the halls wearing the shirts, you also had no issues with skipping.  Which led to where you are now, Kurt changed into a different shirt (per your request) and you staring at him sniffing in the scent of books.

Despite him teasing you about reading all the stuff you did, he hid the fact he actually read more pretty well.  When you'd said something, he replied that he usually read before bed.  It was calming. And then he'd read from his bible and pray (no offense) or whatever it is that Catholics do.  (I feel like I just offended a lot of people.  I don't know much about how the Catholic religion works.  If you are offended, help me out?)

"Kurt, why are you sniffing the inside of a book?"

"Is zat veird?" The blue boy looks taken aback by your question, quickly shoving the book back onto the shelf.  You had a particular back you were in the mood to read, but this was something to explore.


"Vell, books each hafe zeir own smell.  Sometimes zey smell old or dusty.  You can tell ven a book is new.  It smells fresh."  His eyes sparkle a little and you relax.  "It is a nice smell, zese of old books."  He plops down at a table and you stand there as he closes his eyes, inhaling deeply.  R-Really now?

You shook your head, smiling slightly before heading off to find the electronic searcher located on a computer.  Wow, shouldn't they upgrade to phones?  You know, for today's society anyways?  Good thing they don't though.  Not everyone has smartphones.  Or phones.

You typed in your search, got sorely confused on where to go, got help, and somehow avoided making an embarrassed mess of yourself.  You didn't recognize the librarian and vaguely remembered the mention of someone new.  You'd have to say something later to her.

It was about the time you came and took a seat that you saw a white skinned teenager talking to Kurt animatedly, him seemingly trying not to laugh.  She was energetic, the ball of thick brown hair bouncing against the nape of her neck.  She had a stack of chapter books in her hands that looked about ready to fall.

You walked over, making sure to station yourself directly behind your blue skinned boyfriend.  She didn't seem like a threat, but more of someone who would make a good friend.  Luckily, she wasn't wearing a Pink Floyd shirt, but a gray tank top.  Something told you she was hiding from the crowd as well.

"Oh hi!"  She had set the books down at the sight of you and did a two finger wave, the pointer and middle fingers spread apart.  "Name's Chrys.  Nice to meet you!  I'm the new librarian."

"That's what it was," you said, the light bulb lighting up over your head.

"Chrys was telling me how terrified of the school she vas," Kurt said, chuckling.  "She seemed as disturbed as you did vith all the shirts around."

"Then she has some sense.  It's a pleasure, Chrys.  My name is (Y/N) (L/N)." You offered a hand and the brunette shook it exuberantly.  

"It's all mine.  I'm afraid I have to get going.  I gotta make sure the system is running-"


"Haha.  Hide me," Chrys whispered furiously, dodging behind you.  You startled, slightly disturbed.  


"He's been after me all day.  For some reason, I meet the one person who wears Pink Floyd shirts all the time on the day everyone is supposed to wear them.  I think it's gotten to him."

"Oh lord."

"Hey Picasso.  Have you seen a particularly short white brunette teenage lady around here?"

"Sorry, Peter, but I haven't.  Been a bit busy...uh, entertaining myself?" You answer almost questioningly, gesturing towards the stack of novels.

"I thought the librarian had those."

"Nope, just found them lying there...thought I'd pick up on reading after Blueberry here mentioned something about liking to read before bed."

"Gotcha.  Well, I gotta flash and catch you later.  I'm after me a bookworm." 

And he was gone.

"You're safe."

"For now.  What if he comes back?"  You shrug as her question.  

"Just ignore him.  What's your mutation anyway?"  You ask, inviting her to sit.  Chrys simply shakes her head, avoiding both the question and refusing the invitation.  

"I have to work.  I hope to see you and your Blueberry again later."

I know it was much and certainly wasn't the normal, but I tried my best.  I hope you can forgive the shortness, but I wanted to let ya'll know it wasn't completely dead.  The Internet just kinda went bloop at my house and it took an hour to half way load Wattpad.  I'll be trying to work, but I might be reduced to updating once every two weeks.  To make up for it, I'll try to have two chapters.  So I'll get started on that and let you guys think about this Chrys character.  Maybe I'll tell you who she is later.  She is not the OC from my book, but a bit different rather.


~Into the Void~

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