Chapter 16: Dancing Lesson

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Chrys POV

Hi there!

First time reading for me, I know.

And I'm breaking the fourth wall.  


Just sit back...and enjoy.

Cause you get no back story or anything.  Just a taste for the next book.  

Yep, welcome to my life.


Let's was actually a while back, when everything was fine and you were still on your feet.  You were talking to Ororo about something or another of having to learn to dance...and neither one of you knew how to.  Now, I didn't know either, but I decided to at least try and get you to slow dance.  That much I could find someone to do.

About an hour later, cause you don't get details, I popped up with "Monsieur Devil." No, not Nightcrawler you hopeless brides-to-be.  Oh sh*t!  You didn't hear that from me., I show up with this French master of the dance and the two of looked surprised.  I'm more than just a bookworm of a teenager, ain't I?  He had agreed to help you as long as he got to taste a "cheeseburger," something you were happy to provide him with as long as you were indulged.  In other words, he taught you dance.  

Did I highly enjoy the victory?  Yes, yes I did.  

And I have a feeling that made no sense.


Dr. Who.


You turned out to be a fairly graceful dancer, after stepping on his toes only the first couple of go-arounds.  However, to both our distastes and delights, Ororo made no such mistake.  She got the dance the first time around and Monsieur Devil sent her through several different numbers to get a satisfactory gauge on her uncommon gracefulness.  My turns...were not so lucky.

I must admit-nope, no backstory 'till the next chapter and last chapter and then next book.  Sorry.  Let's just say I'm clumsy and I felt the effects after about the first three falls.  I do not think the dance instructor liked me very much, despite loving my calling on him.  It might have just because he was finally able to use his mutation of being an extremely good dancer to help out other mutants, which he must have thought I was since he lifted me from the ground and continued on with me.

After about the fifteenth fall and my third time taking him with me (third times the charm) he handed me over to Ororo for her to lead.  She had a much easier time moving her feet and I found myself progressively falling less.  Now, I am not telling you all this for no reason, for I was till falling when she had grown tired of her sore bum and you called us out to take a break and eat burgers.  

I hid behind a tapestry and snuck back into the ballroom, eager to try on my own and show you guys I was not a total failure, which I was sure that I would be in your eyes after this day.

It was then, by myself, that I felt at peace.  I started by imagining a partner, held together physically by my wobbling fingers, cupped by my palms.  As I started to move, I had no feet to stumble over, no eyes to feel awkward while looking into.  Just myself, when I'm at my easiest.

When I'm not hiding secrets.

And then the door opens and...

I fall.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"This is delicious!  Where have these been hiding?" Mr. Devil had exclaimed to you, shaking his head with delight.  You swear his little mustache would have curled with his delight so strongly felt.

"You remind me of someone who had said the same some time ago..." your thoughts were on the Blueberry out on a temporary mission without you, as they often were.  You didn't have a mutation suited to taking on missions, though you might work as a long you were not caught.  However, your job was here, writing the adventures of your friends.  You couldn't help thinking...that you would be useful for more than just-

"(Y/N)!  (Y/N)!  (Y/N)!  (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!!!!!!!"

"What is it, speedster!?" You shouted over his dizzying shouts.   The silver-haired man-boy  came to a stop, his hair slicked back from running in a constant twirling circle around you, leaving you a little...windblown.

"Have you seen Chrys?" His voice was rushed and you felt annoyance started up at the feeling of being rushed.

"She-woah, where did she go?"

Mr. Devil didn't bother looking up from being preoccupied so with his meal, but Ororo gazed about.  "Not sure.  She was with us a while ago.  Maybe she wandered off."

You shook your head thinking.  You couldn't remember when you had last seen her except for in the ballroom.  "We were in the ballroom last.  You should try there."

Chrys POV

Silver eyes-silver hair.  Check.  Signature smirk? Check.  Goggles? Check.  Last person I ever wanted to see?  Identified.

"What. The hell. Are you doing here?" I growled out, pulling myself away from his hold.  This speedster had been following me around for weeks now and constantly trying to figure out what was in my journal.  When he finally read the first entry...he had run and never spoke of it again.  Suited me just fine.  He didn't need to.  Except he got over it fairly quickly, which I immediately gave credit to his quickly moving mind, and was constantly bugging me again, just not about the journal.

Now he's following me around.

"Keeping you from falling from me."

"Stop it."

"Baby, we're moving too fast to stop."

And that was about the time I realized we were dancing.  He must have figured out pretty durn quick what I had been doing, since he was moving us too quickly for me to see.  And for me to stumble.

"This is supposed to be a slow dance, y'know?"

"Of course I know.  I just thought you might enjoy a bit of excitement."

"Not what I was going for."

"Then let's fix that."

We were going slow again.  He slips his headphones over my ears and taps on some random song I don't recognize and we're moving to the beat.  It wasn't until the end and a knew some came one that my foot inadvertently crossed over to his side and...hit thin air.  It was at that moment I realized I hadn't fallen during the entirety of the previous song.  


"I'm too fast to squash.  A perfect dancing partner."

And so we danced.

Didn't really make sense at parts?  Or did it? 

Hope you enjoyed.  I know I did.  Finding time to write this and get ya'll another chapter out.  Yay!  It's like a gift.  I'm going to delay the final chapter on purpose.  That's right.  The next chapter is the last.  Fear not, for there is more...but the end is drawing near for this part of the story.  

Seriously though...let me know how you liked it!

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