Chapter 13: Before the Fall

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You guess you knew it would be coming back. Your happiness had been going on far too long. It made a lot of sense, it's timing. Why does a mutation always do what you don't want it to?

Four hours earlier...

"Are you sure?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Uh, no. This doesn't seem...right. I don't look like myself."

"Isn't that the point of dressing up?"

You were sitting in a chair, and getting bullied by a certain red and white headed set of girls. That's right, tonight is the night of the masquerade and you were excited. Also in pain.

"Why did you have to pull my hair so right? Could we not have just left it loose?" You growled, studying your appearance in the mirror. Unlike some people, you actually loved the way you looked with your hair down.

"No. And this doesn't look great either. Let's try something else..." Jean tugged your hair down for the hundredth millionth trillionth time within the past hour.

The next style is a hit. It's a simple bun sitting just a little higher than the nape of your neck. The loose hairs are pulled back loosely and held in place by bobby pins. You turn your head, adjusting to all the weight on one part of your head. "I like." (If you have short, we'll say you used a wig to further your disguise.)

"Good. I'm tired and my fingers are cramping." Jean replied, instantly perking up. "My turn!"

"I'll take care of you. (Y/N), your mask is on Jean's bed. First box to the left." You nodded, leaving to search for said object.

You were already in your purple gown, the silky skirt sending funny sensations up your legs. It had been a while since you had worn a skirt or dress, so your getting used to it again. You...well, call yourself eccentric, but your were going barefoot. You had argued that it was natural with the others.

All thoughts stopped flowing ass soon as you pulled out the mask though. It was beautiful.

The base was silver, small silver threads tracing a swirling pattern. Along one corner over you left eye and right at the bottom of your right eye, between the nose and eye, were checked blacked patterns. Otherwise, the edges of the mask faded to a deep, satin black.

Tight in your grasp, you made a dash for the bathroom again, wrapping both Ororo and Jean, hair finished ("Thank the lightening!" From Ororo), into hugs.

"It's beautiful you two! Thank you!!!" You squealed.  You were jiggling the two and they both had to tag team to get you to finally let go.  After they all pulled away, you took in Jean's hair.  It was pulled into a hive.  She had plenty of hair to make the massive hair style work and she laughed at the look of awe on your face.

"What about you, Ororo?  Aren't you doing yours?" You asked, swaying back and forth on your heels, eager to test out your disguise.

"They'd be able to recognize me either way it went, so I'm bothering it."  You give her an incredulous look before checking the clock...that somehow got on the bathroom door.

"We have enough time.  Give me just a second." 

Within the next ten minutes, Jean and you had secured a dirty blonde wig for Ororo and styled it to match a looping set of braids.  You had originally wanted to do Cleopatra's hair style, but Ororo had explained she was Egyptian and that it'd probably give who she was away.

"Are we ready ladies?" 

Yes, yes you were.

You all strapped your masks on and looped arms.  And then decided not to.  That would probably give yourselves away.  

You entered last.  You could already hear the lilting melody of a string quartet.  Probably...two violins, a base, and cello.  Maybe.  

Kurt's P.O.V.

I hafe been looking for (Y/N) for so long now.  Zey said zat many of ze girl's vere making attempts at hiding zeir identities and I could not doubt zat my girlfriend vould be doing ze same thing.

Ze last zree vere unknown to me except for one and zat vas Jean.  Scott had been staring at her ze entire time and I had to remind him to breath at some point.

I did not recognize ze one vith ze blond hair.  I could not make up my mind whether (Y/N) vould change her (S/C) at all...but I vould take no chances.  I greeted ze girl at the bottom, her hand grasping mine as I bowed.  My mask vas  a striking yellow-gold.  It matched my eyes and stood out darkly against my skin.

"M'lady." I placed a hand upon her hand and she giggled. 

"My blue gentlemen," she replied, curtsying.  I pulled her away as ze string quartet struck up another song.

All of ze dancing came to a rather abrupt halt about a half second later as everyone turned zeir heads.  Zis vas not one zat anyone, myself included, vould forget.  So vy vas zis girl we didn't know here?

A deep purple skirt surrounded ze beauty, (H/C) hair framing her face and moving every time she came down a step.  Zere vas somezing about ze dress zat caught my attention, but I could not put my finger on it at ze time.  Even I, hafing a girlfriend, could not help feeling ze slight sting of jealousy when the silver-haired runner took her hand.

Your P.O.V.

You couldn't believe that Kurt didn't instantly recognized you when you'd first come out.  He had looked up and you froze, sure he had seen directly past your costume, but he made no move from Ororo to claim you instantly.  

So when Peter swung you into his arms, you danced joyfully, sure you were not to be caught this night.

Little did you know.

So yes, these are a little shorter.  It's supposed to make the story seem to prolong the....I forgot the word. Oh yeah, *snaps fingers(if I only really could)* suspense.  I'm making you wait longer.  Also, another special chapter next.  The story of Chrys is you get closer, of course.  Is this supposed to distract you?  Well, is it?  You tell me.


~Into the Void~

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