Chapter 17: A World Lost

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Reader POV

Warm arms caught you, trapping your body.  It was the best kind of trap, the one that kept you from disappearing.  Your mind was muddy and colors swirled around the edges of your eyesight, waiting to drown you in them.

All except one.  One who would want you to stay.  Wouldn't he?

"(Y/N)!?" His voice was distant, but distinguishable.  Something about your mind made it feel precious, more so than usual.  

"Kurt?  W-what's happening?"  Your voice was so quiet, almost to the point you couldn't make it out.  You heard an outside noise.  Shuffling?  That's right, you had been at a party.  No wait, it must be muttering.  Talking.

"I do not know.  You fainted.  You need to tell me."  His voice is pleading.  Is he worried about you?

"Nothing will happen, Blueberry.  I'm going to wake back up if I finish going to sleep.  I always do."  You felt a ripple and the colors flashed over your vision.  You gave it a mental push and they abated, but they had crept up some.

"I know zat.  Vy are you speaking as if I do not?"  

"You just seemed worried.  Where is everyone?"

"Right here.  Can you not see zem?"

"No.  All I see is you.  Remember that I see you."

His beautiful blue face, covered with scars.  You remembered asking him about it.  He said it was his way of repenting for his sins.  He called them ugly.  They weren't.  They were what made him him, what helped to shape him into the young man you had come to know.  You had called them beautiful and traced a few, much to his unveiled delight.  Those were what you focused on the most at the moment, the moment that was steadily starting to feel like a goodbye.  A farewell.



Yes my dear.

Do you know what is going on?  My vision is colorful.  I do not remember this being how it was, falling in my sleep like Sleeping Beauty.  

You're fine.  You just are having an episode.  Hold on and it will pass.

I don't think I can speak.  If I do, I believe it will tire me out more.

I will let Kurt know.  How about your mind.  Might I hold on to your mind and we talk?

I don't see why not, seeing as your trying to help me pull an all nighter. 

I do not see how I am doing that?

What do you think happens after I don't sleep.  The feeling will come again and I will have to sleep.  I don't want to now, though.  Life is too good.  Was there ever a moment in your life when everything was perfect and you couldn't ask for me.  Or maybe not perfect, but still you couldn't ask for anything else?

Of course.  It was the time I have with my family.

Who's your family?

All of you, you for whom I care, I teach, I watch grow.  You are all my family.  

Before now?

Before now...I would have to say when I was at peace with Raven and Erik and we worked side by side to bring mutants the future and hopes they deserved.  However, things happened and rifts were opened and we all drifted apart.

This is still you home, without your family?

You are my family, as is the others.  You are my home-

Did you know...home.  Where is home?!

(Y/N), calm down.  You are giving Kurt troubles with your thrashing.  Calm yourself...there you go.  Home is here.  Home is the people around you.

N-no it isn't!  Home is somewhere far away.  Who are you?  What are you doing in my head? Are you real?!

Of course.  (Y/N), you have to calm down.  You cannot remain in this state and not submerge yourself.  Fight it.  Your mutation does not hold power over you.

What are you talking about?  Mutations?  I'm just a human.  Where am I?  Why is a blue man holding me?


The mental call is a shout, a rising tide taking you over as you struggle, past memories flooding in, of a time long forgotten.  A world forgotten.  You feel warmth spread through you, stopping your movements and calming your mind to a dull shout.  All outside noises are gone as Charles stills and steadies you.

You must fight it.

Fight what?  I have nothing to fight.  I want to go home.

You are home-

No, I. Am. NOT!!!!

And with that, the colors took over, the blue joining the swirling mass.

~Some Time Later~

3rd Person Mode (activate!)

"How is she?" Kurt stands at the sight of Hank exiting the infirmary, in particular the room where your prone body was resting, long ago changed into a too-large shirt and shorts by Jean and Ororo, who stood off to the side and had stood along with Kurt.

"Her vitals are fine.  She's..."


"Sleeping.  No different that before really, but she's sleeping.  It's deep and...and don't know if she'll show any signs of waking up for a while."  Hank nods, leaving Kurt to his thoughts.  Jean and Ororo looked on, holding onto each other.  Peter was leaned up against a glass pane, studying you.  

You looked peaceful, sleeping like your were.  Some would even say you were dead if it were not for the rosy color in your cheeks and the gentle rise and fall of your cheeks.  You had been asleep for two hours already.  

"Look Kurt, she could wake up tomorrow, or the next day.  She's slept for long periods of time before.  Don't worry about it." Jean patted his shoulder as she left and Ororo gave him a gentle, pitying smile.  The blue boy made his way into your room, his large body coming to rest beside yours.  

How strange, one might think, for a blue demon and a human to fall in love, but none could deny that's what had happened.  You were in love, and quite frankly never got to tell him.  And that's what this story is about, isn't it?  You and your love for the Blueberry.  Fear not.  This is not the end.  You have much more to come.  This was only the beginning.  

Hopefully just not a world forgotten.

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