Chapter 3: Ice Cream Thief

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"(Y/N), I would like to introduce you to the group you'll be "documenting and drawing" as the professor put it." Wolverine explains, and you nod slowly in response.  "Let's start with Cyclops, know as Scott Summers, but you two have already met."

You almost laughed at the glare he cast Wolverine's way before sizing you up with a strained neutral look.  He didn't like you.  At all, it seemed.  You didn't exactly know whether to feel put off by it or the need to slap him for not even getting to know you, but you had to shrug it off as suspicion.  They didn't all exactly have the best encounters with humans...though you still didn't know whether to call yourself one or not.

"Ignore that one, darling," Wolverine whispered close to ear before pointing to another person.  Female.  A fluffy white Mohawk.  Her skin indicated either African or Asian decent, but it was lighter than a pure African blood.  Her dark eyes met yours and you couldn't distinguish whether they were a dark brown or actual black.  They had little color contrast between the pupil and iris.  "This is Ororo Monroe, better known as Storm."

You clasp your hands over your mouth, your body reacting to the shock and excitement with little jumps.  This was Storm.  STORM!!!  The woman who could fly and control weather!  You'd loved her since you'd first heard the stories.  Oh, that's right!  She was born in Kenya.  "I-I-I-I-it's you!!!" escapes and a torrent of questions pour out.  "Where did you get your name? Never mind that one!  What's it like to fly?  Do you like your suit?  Can I wear it one day?  OOOOHHHHH!  Can you take me flying in a tornado where it won't hurt me?  Do you like it here?  Why do you keep your hair in a Mohawk all the time?  Not that it looks bad, absolutely not.  It's really awesome looking and all, I was just wondering.  Do you get a good breeze from flying without all your hair-I should shut up."  She as an amused expression on her face, which she somehow makes go down to continue to the pleasantries.  Not the same could be said for the near bursting everyone else and the stunned Wolverine.

"A pleasure," you say, dipping you head a little.  She looked a little royal, whether she was or not.  You stuck your hand out and her face turns warm, lips turning up at the ends, and shakes it gently.

"To you as well, (Y/N)," she replies, settling back in her seat as you back up, smile remaining.

Up next is a girl with auburn hair, leaning a little more towards the red side.  You couldn't come up with a color for it at the moment, but it would take some experimentation later.  Emerald eyes sparkled from dark lashes up at you and you smiled immediately.  This must be-

"I'm Jean Grey.  Some call me Phoenix, but I prefer just my name."  She was about your age, though you might be a year younger or so.  "By the way, good job with Logan."  You turn around while you reach out a hand to shake Jean's and end up hitting her face.  You screech before bending over to check for any damage and end up smacking her forehead.  You both rub the middle of your heads, look at each other, and start laughing.  "You got him good.  Me too."

"Are you okay?" you ask, leaning close again and looking at both red spots.  Jeans lifts a hand to inspect both spots.

"Just a little knot on my forehead, but nothing else major.  Thank you." She cuts her eyes to the right.  "Relax Scott.  I'm fine.  It won't affect my powers."  You looked in the same direction that she'd turned her attention to find a half-risen Scott, a defensive and slightly offended look sprayed on his face.  He liked her.  That worried face said it all.

"Sorry to worry you, Scott.  Jean, I'll get you some ice in a bit...when I know where the kitchen is." You facepalmed and winced from hitting the still stinging half-formed knot on your head. 

She chuckles and motions to the next boy over while Wolverine continues, voice gruff from momentary loss of use fueled by disbelief.  "Where's Kurt?"

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