Chapter 15: When One Dances

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You weren't a terrible dancer, per say.  Some would say that you're rather good, but having a dancer as a friend before you ever came here made you think otherwise.  She was an all-state and had made semi-finals for the national team the year before, leading to an enormous amount of respect from you.  And she had said you have two left feet.  Therefore, in your own eyes, you have two left feet.

However, dancing beneath the softly lit ballroom lights with various people you knew  quite well made you forget all of that talk.  You were a happy butterfly, dancing in the wind, tender wings flying as you twirled.  You couldn't help but giggle at all the looks you were getting.  Absolutely no one, besides your two girlfriends and Xavier, had figured out who you were.  You'd even succeeded into roping Logan to dance with you a few times through his own curiosity.  No one could figure out who this strange beauty was.  That was what you had heard on many's lips this night.  

It had struck ten when Kurt finally made his way around to asking you to dance.  Even if he had used his image inducer to hide his own identity, his moral kept him from doing that around his friends.  So, when you found a blue hand whisking you back out onto the ballroom floor and twirling you from your resting spot, you let out a slight cry of glee.  The charming boy was back.

"Somezing about you is familiar up close, fremder," he said, turning you both gently to the left as the song started into a flowing set of instrumental dances. Even the music seemed to dance as mischief flashed through you.

"I would not know of what you speak, you blue one. I only know that I was invited for the sake of friend." Why not kick it up a bit? You felt bold this night, being around family and the boy your eyes on.

"No, your face is oddly familiar.  You vouldn't happen to know (Y/N)?" You could tell from his mask movement that he'd just raised his eyebrows.

"'fraid not.  Never heard of her.  Why?"  You couldn't help the slight giggle that came out.  Someimes your boyfriend was bit too gullible, and that might get him in trouble one day.

"You seem like you might hafe been kin.  I see now zat it is not so," he chuckles at your own reaction of hitting him lightly.  "You hit like a girl."

"I am a girl and proud of it," you sniffed, acting as if you were insulted.

"It is gute to be so?"

"Indeed, Blueb- devil."

"Vat now?"

"I called you a blue devil."

"I heard zat.  Vat vere you trying to cover up by doing so?"


He had twirled you, the blue bastard!  That wasn't that part that got you though.  It was the dip he performed, making your body bend in a way it never had before.  You let out a high squeak of surprise which turned into another one as a blue nose dug its way into your neck.  You could feel, him sniff, not just hear, but felt it.  

"Zat perfume.  You must know (Y/N) if you vear (wear) it," he said, pulling you back up to continue twirling at a slightly faster pace as the beck and call of the instrument's deep music sped up.

"Y'know, more than one girl gets the same kind of perfume.  What are you implying?  That I stole it?" You forced the accusation into your voice, as annoyed as you were, yet not.  It was that tickling annoyance that you can use to channel fake emotions.  I don't know where it comes from or how it properly worked.  All I know is that it worked it for you.

"I vould imply no such zing(thing) about a lady such as yourself.  I merely made a compliment."  He looked taken aback and you had to hold in the urge to smirk.  Getting there.  You were throwing him off your scent.

"I do believe I wish to dance with someone else now.  I will be gone at the end of this song."  You made you steps and movements slightly rigid, which were probably too rigid, for he released you as soon as the song was over.  You walked away to him muttering something about (Y/N).  You, of course.

Jean met you at the punch bowl, a giggling mess.  "No one has figure it out!"

"Except Xavier," you replied.

"Of course he did.  Even he hid a small smile at watching you and Kurt.  You did well throwing him off.  He immediately backed off.  You're still the unknown beauty of the ball.  How's it feel?"

"A little exciting.  I already know everyone, so I have no issues dancing and they seem to be fine dancing with a stranger."

"Have you noticed Chrys and Peter at all?"

"What about them?"

"They've danced together the last five times."

"Oh, that.  No, I hadn't.  I was too busy mystifying Logan.  I totally ship them!"

"A lot of us do.  He bothers everyone, but her more so.  It's like a set of kids.  Anyhow, feel like revealing to blue boy who you are?"

"How do you propose I do it?"

"Cinderella style," she replied.

"I got this."

For the next hour and a half, you alternated between snacking, talking to Jean, and dancing with various people.  Xavier even asked you once and you rolled him out onto the dance floor and danced that way.  You may have scared him on the twirling part though cause he didn't ask again.  Whoops.

"One last dance, milady?" You jumped at the sound of Kurt's voice.  He was halfway into a bow and it was three minutes until midnight.  Perfect timing.

"Why should I dance with one that implies I am a thief?"

"You vill hear no more accusations from me zis night.  On the morn zough, we shall see."  You turned your head away...until you heard a whimper.  Right in front of you was the most pitiful sight in the world.  Kurt had turned his face up at you, his eyes growing huge and pleading, comically so.  These were the famous puppy dogs eyes.  You slowly felt your resolve crumbling, fake mind you, until you gingerly laid your hand in his.

He grinned again as he pulled you off, pulling you round and round.  He was the perfect gentlemen and little talk was made.  It seemed that in this moment, under soft lights and sparkling feelings, you felt as you as if you falling for him all over again.

And you did when the clock struck midnight.

You fell.

I'll wait and see if you guys get exactly what that means.  If you can't, I'll have a hint on the next chapter.  Sorry it took me a while.  I've been busy and I had some issues choosing the chapter title.  Next chapter will be about Chrys.

And I've decided.  The show must go on...with a short follow-up book. It's not exactly from the reader's point of view, but you will be in it.  Actually, it's about Chrys...and how you got here?  Anyhow, let me know what you think of the idea and the chapter.

Until next time  my lovelies!

~Into the Void~


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