Chapter 5: Tail Hunting

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You're lost.  You felt as if you've been in this forest for hours.  It's dark and the only light was the bits and pieces of moonlight shining through the leaves above your head.  Leaves crunched underfoot and you had to move limb after limb and step on bushes and baby trees to get by.  In the process of doing so, you completely miss the clearing off to your left.  Until-


"Huh?  Oh, Kurt."  You turn around, surprised to find your friend.  You'd been wandering this forest for some hours with no idea where to go, enjoying the scenery and just hoping to find some clue back.  It didn't mean the views had to go to waste though.

"Vat are you doing here?" He asks, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the clearing where he had been sitting only moments before.

"I-I'm lost again."  You smile sheepishly and he just chuckles. 

"You are not lost anymore.  Not vith me."

And at that point, You felt as if you weren't.  Him holding you from behind had an amazing comfort to it and your heart soared up to the stars that you both gazed at. 

And Polaris winked.

You woke up, holding your head. 

"Woah, that was weird."  You looked around, surprised to see that no one was in the room.  Where were you?  Oh yeah!  That's right.  Professor X had gotten you to let him measure you as you slept.  Hey!  Maybe they figured something out. And with that thought, you took off for the door.  Just as you were about to open it, it flies open in your face.  "Scott?"

"I'm not doing this for you, but come on."

Why, oh, why did you have to wake up just to see his ugly mug?  Not that it wasn't particularly ugly, his fowl mood around you was starting to you and me off.  What?  Can I not write myself in sometimes?  You're going to be seeing me in another universe before too long anyhow.

"Why are you taking me?"  Maybe you could restrain yourself or maybe not, but we'll go with no in this particular situation.

"Because everyone else is out at the cookout if you must know.  Our dear Professor wished to talk to you before you joined everyone." He growled, leading you up a flight of stairs.

"No need to be all huffy," you muttered, making sure to hold onto the railing.  You were still just a hint wobbly from waking up.  You still didn't know how long you'd been asleep for.  It should have been six hours, but sometimes things change.  You trip on the last stair, barely catching yourself and the snort of laughter that Scott let out.

"This is Xavier's office.  Enjoy."  He immediately leaves, going right back to where he came from.  Yeah, do that you big butt.  We could use another word, but I don't know who's sensitive to that sort of stuff or not.

You knock and the professor calls you in.  As you close the door with one hand, he gestures for you to take a seat.  "It is good to see you up.  You have done as you said you would do and slept a full six hours.  You would appear to have woken up as soon as it hit six hours.  I am very impressed."

"Thanks!  I don't get told very often that sleeping is impressive." You rub the back of your head at the praise.  "It's usually accompanied with screaming to get out of my apartments."

"I'm glad to be the first.  I would also like to reveal some information to you."

"About what exactly?"

"What type of mutation this is.  You see..."

~time skip to you sulking under a tree~

You could hear laughter off to the side, over a rise where you were sure the lake was.  You had been made the offer to join the others at the cookout, but had declined after the information from Professor X.  You were trying not to think about it, but it kept coming back to haunt you.  And that's how Kurt found you.  You would have been excited to see the blue guy that you'd recently taken to calling friend, but nothing could seem to lift your mood.  Sheesh, not ever ice cream worked.  That meant it was  problem.  Just like before.  You'd probably be sleeping for some time once you entered it later.

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