Chapter 14: (Special) A Little Pushy

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It had taken you forever to finally get Chrys out of the library and into the kitchen.

Some Time before That Night

Your POV

There was something about the world that fascinated this girl, you had come to realize. Since you had first met Chrys (before the ball...this is simply a continuation), you had become fast friends. The brunette was energetic and seemed to have her head in clouds. She was writer, you had quickly figured out.

You had been eating lunch and something caught your attention every time. Chrys constantly carried around this leather notebook. She would snatch it closed when someone tried to read over her shoulder, often her problem with Peter. At first, your thoughts had been of a diary, but since she carried it out in the open all the time, you thought perhaps it might be a journal. You voiced your question at lunch and she responded with a firm "no!" You continued to ask what it was and she ignored you, shoveling her food down before leaving with a stiff walk, leather notebook clutched close to her heart.

At the moment, she was animatedly telling you about the world around you. Which was simply a library, which you had also figured out was her favorite place. Besides the whole fact she worked there. There was one thing constantly on your mind however.

"Why do you like it so much here?" You raised your hand to gesture to the entirety of the library. The brunette smiled, leaning back in her chair. She had not had to have braces when she was younger. Her teeth were miraculously straight...except for the one in the front with a bleached dot on it from a tooth filling. It was the only slightly crooked one. She had told you about how the little differences combined, whether it's a crooked tooth or multiple personalities, they all make a person who they are.

"The smell.  It leaks the scent of knowledge to be learned and wonders to be explored.  Almost like the stars..."

"The stars?"

"You don't ever feel wonder when you look up at the stars?  Of you playing a smaller part in such a huge universe?" She asked, tilting her head you.

"Is that what that feeling is?" it was as much as talking to yourself as being said to her.  You had a fluttering feeling sometimes when you look up, but the word to describe it would never come.  Tininess and wonder though...those made perfect sense.

"I guess so.  I don't usually talk like this with others." She shakes her head, her fingers tapping on her journal.  "Most don't like to."

"I'm glad I could be of service then."

"I'm glad you were willing.  Thank you." She enveloped you in a quick hug before heading off.  Presumably to write in that journal of hers.  You grabbed the plates and dumped them in the garbage as you stalked after her.  Two things to be happy of: the floor was carpeted, muffling your footsteps in the silent library and that she was completely wrapped up in writing in that leather bounds notebook.  You had been wanting to see for so long what was in there.  Maybe you'd finally get a chance.

"Peter!" You heard the growl, quickly dodging behind a bookshelf.  From above the tops of the books, the musty smell right in your nose, you could see just enough to make out the silver-haired boy teasing the girl.  He had already taken Chrys's notebook and was dangling it far above the short girl's reach.  "Give.  It.  Back."

"Not until you let me see what's inside!"

"You already know the-" Jump. "Answer." Jump. "To." Jump. "That."

You, meanwhile, were trying desperately to form a plan to help out the poor girl.  Kurt or Logan usually helped the small girl out and neither of those two were here.  Although, Kurt might be looking for you to massage his back.  Lord knows.

"Let's see...uh-"

"Give it!"

This time, the brunette managed to snare the book, pulling back into the safety of her arms.  Meanwhile, a certain blushing boy stood stock still.  You couldn't help but be scared by the two. First of all, Peter never blushed.  At anything.  Or anybody.  Secondly, that murderous look on her face would literally kill anyone.

"Y-you knew?"

"Knew about what?  Oh that?  Yeah.  Happens."

"Is that your mutation?"

"You could say it's something like that.  Yeah, let's go with that."  At this point, Chrys was chuckling nervously, pushing him towards the door.  "Better yet, just forget what you read.  Don't ever mention it."

Huh.  How odd...

It was too obvious your friend was trying to hide something.  Judging off that look on Peter's face, so would he soon enough.  

However, you had other things to be doing.  

~Some time later~


"Ja,  mein Schöner (my beautiful according to Google translate)?" He was laying out on the couch, your favorite spot to watch movies, sipping tea from a cup as he read one of your comics. He had that fangy grin on his face. "You draw particularly vell, especially here." You glance over his shoulder immediately growing warm from embarrassment.

It had been at the pool before one of Magneto's attacks and you had happily drawn everyone. had paid special attention to your boyfriend's chest. It was well shaded, like his face, and even might of made you...ahem, never mind. I shouldn't be mentioning that as the sake of young readers. Sorry.

"Yeah, well, that's what it looked like to me." You looked away, but not before you caught that crap(would sound better with the cuss word, but just bear with me) eating smirk on his face. You popped upside that head. "Get over yourself, Elf."

"Argh, not you too."

"What can I say? Nicknames spread like wildfire. Even the younger kids call you that. Oh, don't get that face. They get Picasso from Peter, too." You shake your head, trying to hold in the need to smack him. You were happy. Happy to have someone to goof around with. Happy to have someone to talk to. Happy to have someone you knew wouldn't leave you at the drop of dime. Unless he d-nope, not going there either.

"Vat did you need?"

"I need you help with something. It's about Chrys." Your tone turns serious and he returns it. "I want to find out if something's going on with her."

"Vat happened?"

"I was in the library and was about to leave when Peter started his pestering. He managed to snag her journal and, well, he looked at it and actually colored. He doesn't seem as if he would say anything to anyone about it and Chrys encouraged it. I just want to make sure it's nothing bad." You chew you lip. You really liked to Chrys, but that creeping suspicion was not going to work well for you.

"It is not gute to look zrough ozers zings," He replied, setting his things down.

"Just a peek. I was wondering if you could help me?"


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