Author's Thanks

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Hey everyone!!!  Just wanted to say hi and say thanks if you've taken the time out of all your schedules to read this far.  Also, I GOT OVER 400 VIEWS.  I know that that isn't a lot for some people, but that's the most I've ever gotten on a work and I'm extremely excited by it. 

So, needless to say, thanks everyone. 

I hope you lovely readers continue to enjoy reading this story.  I just posted a new story, titled Just Human.  It's about my adventures with a particular speedster, but you can read it like a reader insert, except for the name.   Anywho, just thought ya'll might wanna take a look at it.  Still working on getting the next chapter up.  Ya'll might be a bit surprised.

If you have suggestions or anything you think I should know, comment or pm me.  I'm open to anything.  ^^


~Into the Void~

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