Chapter 8: Realization

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I got a present for ya'll.  It might still be four days later, but it ain't a week, so here you go:

To say you were glad you had an apartment would be an understatement.  After your little stare down, Kurt had quickly BAMFed you both to the X-Mansion before he left you behind.  You were surprised at first to find the apartment still in use, but you later learned Professor X provided the money to keep you in ownership in it.

Peter had brought you back home just as he had taken you back to the X-Mansion the next morning(you hadn't slept yet again).  You'd been hearing whispers of some kind of party that was going to be held to celebrate the latest victory against Magneto.  You had no idea when that happened which kinda let up the current situation before the next occurrence.  The silver haired boy had been teasing you for the past hour, ruining your concentration.  You finally got it back and were sketching a new page, attempting to play catch up, when someone you hadn't seen in some time came in.

"STEVE!" You exclaim, running to wrap you arms around the super soldier.  The blondie chuckles, causing your own chest to vibrate.  You hadn't seen him in a few years now.  Well, not counting that time about six months ago you were ready to murder Tony. 

"Been a while, hasn't it kiddo?" He pulls back, leaving you rocking on your feet, hands falling to your sides.

"Sure has.  Man, you look like you've grown a few more lines.  Everything going well?" You led him into the kitchen and gestured for him to take a seat at the bar as you procured him a glass of sweet tea.  (real southern sweet tea, you northerners and out of country folks. Nothing like it) You'd learned how to make it real good some time ago and had gotten Steve addicted to the stove.  Might explain his Southern girlfriend, Author's best friend-chan, or as she goes by "Zi." (No that's not her name.  And no, I didn't have to write her in, but I love her too much)

"Sokovia Accords are giving all of us a few more lines.  Dealing with them is...challenging to say the least.  I'm here for you though." Steve waved away the problems had mentioned.  "I heard you've been sleeping a lot."

"I only did it once!" you groaned. 

"For almost five months though..."  He murmured, giving you a hard look.  "It hasn't been since the incident that you have slept for so long.  What happened?"  Sometimes you just wanted to be able to give the spangled man a run for his money.  Wasn't possible though.  Sadly.

"Nothing happened Steve," you say, unsure of entirely where you were taking this.

"Something did happen.  You don't sleep like that for nothing," he says, causing your eyebrows to buckle.

"Why do you care Steve?  You haven't called me since I left the tower and asked for a job there.  Why are you now worried all of a sudden?" You growl. "You do realize that you don't have to worry about me anymore?  I'm stable and have a new home.  You don't have to deal with my little problem anymore!"

"Maybe I want to deal with it!" he shouts, standing up, planting his hands on the counter.  "You, (Y/N), are like my daughter.  You always have been and always will be. I'm here for you whenever you need me and-"

"STOP!" you screech.  "You don't truly care.  No one does.  I am an anomaly that no one can decide whether I'm a freak of nature of a human or a mutant that everyone should hate.  I'm tired of being fussed over."  Steve had always pulled his hands back and stood ramrod straight, causing you to do the same.

"I wouldn't believe you to be capable of saying such things." Steve's face hardened and you felt a crumble in your resolve before it completely broke at the next thing he said.  "But apparently you want to break people to the point that you are."

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