Chapter 29.

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Camila's POV

"Camila! Camila, where are you?"

I sniff softly and try my best to wipe the tears off my face when I hear the familiar sound of the most powerful wizard in our days, my only other father I like to think of him as. I blink away the last of my tears and take a shaky, deep breath as I watch him come in behind me.

"I'm here," I croak out softly, cursing myself for making the tears laced within my voice obvious to him. I clear my throat and watch him approach me with worried eyes, his wrinkled old hand reaching out to grab my cold one.

"I assume you're not emotional because of the tournament you just won." The older wizards takes a seat behind me with a small grunt, his old bones not suiting him to sit at such a low position. I shake my head and look down at my lap, recalling the most embarrassing encounter after my victory. "Draco and his friends, I presume?"

"Is it that obvious?" I wipe my runny nose with the over-sized sleeve of my right arm. I sigh when he gives me a very disappointed nod, his dull blue eyes taking in the tears welled up inside the corners of my eyes.

"This won't be the last time he hurts you, you know that."

"I know," I sigh, swallowing the lump inside my sore throat. I just didn't understand why the white haired boy hated me so much, when the day he was brutally hurt was none of my part. I wouldn't even have the capability of such a powerful spell. "It was worse this time. He didn't physically abuse me, but he caused others to do so."

The old man sighs and crosses one leg over the other with his hands folded over his abdomen. "You children are fourteen years of age and you've yet to quit those childish games. It's very disappointing."

I knew it was true. I knew that one day Draco would grow out of this game he violently plays with me, knowing I am fully vulnerable when it comes to defending myself. I understood that I was pathetic in the eyes of the other wizards and witches because I was nothing else but a weak, muggle.

"I have tried, Professor." I weakly respond, ignoring the lump beginning to rise up the enclosed space of my throat. I breath in through my chapped lips shakily and fist the sleeves of my pitiful Gryffindor sleeve. "I've tried everything to stop him from hurting me. I've tried ignoring him but that only leads to worse mistreat. I have tried excluding myself from any place nearest to them but they always find a way to catch me running away. I have even lost my dignity to be as kind as possible and I'm only laughed at like a complete ninny. I can't find any other escape, Dumbledore!"

By now, I have no other choice but to let the salty tears slip down my cheeks like the weak, pathetic girl that I am. I have this piece of me inside my heart that's constantly reminding me of what I am and how meek and looked down on I am beside the greatest wizards and witches I live with. It's like it throbs and tears me apart when I catch a student casting a spell or charm, or even simply watching them smile and think they have now worries...while I'm stuck with constant thoughts inside my head wondering if I'm going to be attacked.

"Camila, listen to me--"

"No, Professor. I'm tired of listening!" I abruptly get up fro the dirty staircase beneath me, shaking my head like it was the stupidest thing I had heard. "You tell me the same thing every single time. Camila you're capable of so much, you will do great things in life. I will never do anything great! I am muggle! A filthy blooded, weak, pathetic muggle that loathes the fact that she can't be the same as everyone else!"

"There is another way to escape this, Camila." I hear the caring old man whisper delicately, the concern laced within his raspy voice. "We can find a way out, you just have to listen to me."

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