once opon a time

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"Kylee, come take these customers orders please" chad, my boss yelled from the kitchen. I work at a restaurant called "the daily news cafe."

I stood up and straightened my light colored jeans and my black crop top. I fixed my hair and my apron as I walked out to the register where customers ordered.

the daily news cafe had coffee, pastries, breakfast food, lunch food, smoothies, and a lot more. to me, it was basically a Starbucks open 24/7, but that was just my opinion.

"good morning, I'm Kylee, what can I get you this morning" I smiled. The customer was on his phone, so i didn't really know if he had heard me or not, so I stood there.

"oh, sorry. can I get a chocolate chip muffin and an orange juice to go please?" The customer said not looking up from his phone. "sure, that'll be 3 dollars and 45 cents. can I have a name?" I said.

the customer looked up for the first time and his mouth dropped I didn't know what he was looking at so I looked away. "excuse me?" I said and he jumped out of his day dream. "oh sorry. um what did you say your name was?" The customer said wiping his eyes.

"my names Kylee. what's your name?" I asked, actually needing to no his name. "Edwin, how long will that be?" He said smiling. "It'll be about five minutes, you can take a seat" I said and laughed for no reason.

Edwin walked and sat at a table. one of my best friends Bailee, who also worked with me had come out from the back and threw a towel at me playfully. I tossed it back at her and we both started singing the Miley Cyrus song that was playing.

Edwin the customer who had just order, order was up. "Edwin your orders ready" I said looking around for him. He come to get his order, and smiled at me "your names Kylee, right?" He asked needing assurance of my name for the third time.

"yes, Edwin." I said and laughed. "Kylee Renee?" He asked. I looked up and froze. "Kylee Renee Clark." He added. My mouth slightly opened. how did he know me?

"y... yes?" I said more of a question than an answer. "Edwin Burgos" he said and my mouth dropped. "oh my gosh" I said.

Edwin Burgos. I knew him growing up. Third grade, to sophomore year of high school. we were close friends growing up even though I had cooties I guess. in 8th grade we liked each other. freshman year, we dated. then we broke up the summer of when we finished sophomore year, and he had moved away.

all the memories we had rushed threw my head. the laughs, the jokes, the late night dancing, the karaoke, the shopping, decorating for Christmas, the piggy back rides, the breakfast dates, the middle school days.

everything we ever went threw; thick and thin. I remember everyone had said kedwin against the world. kedwin, Kylee and Edwin.

I jumped and looked at him. "what are you doing here?" I managed to say. "well high schools over, I decided to come back. visit family and the world I left behind," Edwin explained.

"oh...-" I started but was interrupted by my boss chad who shouted "Kylee! Stop flirting and work" he snapped. I half smiled at Edwin.

"see ya.." I said and started to walk away. "wait, do you need napkins?" I asked. "uh yeah," he said and I got a couple napkins. "do you have a pen?" Edwin asked and I rolled my eyes, I knew what he was gonna do.

but I handed him a pen, and he wrote his number on a napkin and handed it to me. I put it in my pocket and walked back to were Bailee was standing.

"got a boy?" She joked. "sure" I laughed, but was lost in the thought of what happened with Edwin and I.

what happened? well we got in a fight because he had visited Utah, where he moved and had met a girl. yes, his parents made him move but he wanted to go too. I remember how hurt I was. how he said everything would work out, but it never worked out for me.

maybe it all worked for him.
maybe he has a new girlfriend & plans to spend his life with her. yes, I had imagined spending my life with him, but I doubt he ever thought so.

my heart sank at all these memories.

an// thanks for reading everybody! hope you guys keep reading xx :)

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